Chapter 4

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Jade's POV

As Tori continue her recovery I continue visiting her like I have been. I go when I can with Tori to her physical therapy appointments.

As the weeks progress Tori is starting to speak like her old self with little to no stutter and gaining some strength in her legs.

Her arm strength is incredible after her accident. Her parents got her a new phone not that she really uses it other than games but she has enough strength to hold it and play games and the doctors even said that is good therapy for her hands and fingers.

Tori has to use the metal bars still in PT to walk for a while but soon the doctors are going to have her to switch to the hand crutches to walk so she can learn to navigate outside of the room.' The doctors are extremely hopeful that Tori will be able to walk without the crutches in a few months and that she may even be strong enough to attend college next semester at least a class or two. Tori gets excited at the possibility of going back to school and is thinking about attending some classes on campus and doing some online as well.

As Tori physically recover from her accident she unfortunately doesn't get her memories back. I can see the more time to pass that she doesn't get her memories back she grows more depressed.

"I feel like I will never get any of my memories back Jade." Tori says sadly one night we are just watching TV. I don't know what to say. I can't tell her she will get the memories back.

"Maybe when you get out and go back to your old room something familiar it will be enough to jog some memories." Tori looks at me with a smile and nods her head.

"Maybe you are right." Tori says turning back to the TV.

Tori is finally released form the hospital 2months after she woke from her coma. Tori is extremely happy to get to her room a place hopefully familiar to her. I hope it helps with her memory.

I noticed before Tori was released that Tori started to act differently towards me. She would tell me she doesn't need me always at her PT or need to spend all my time at the hospital with her. I wonder if her nurse said something to her about my feelings. I hope not.

I decided to give Tori a little space and not visit her every day or go to PT with her the last couple weeks she is at the hospital.

When Tori is released she is a lot happier than she had been the past two weeks and I wonder and hope that she was just getting sick of being at the hospital and not having her memories.

I go with the Vega's to pick Tori up from the hospital after not seeing her for two days.

"Hey Tori. Excited to go home?" I greet walking into her room. Ori smiels at me a small smile.

"Yes I am" Tori says. I just nod.

I sit with Trina in Tori's room while her parents talk to the doctors and get all the paperwork signed for Tori's release form the hospital.

Finally after a couple hours and the doctors checking everything with Tori she is released. I push her in her wheel chair down the hallway to the elevator than out to the car that Mr. Vega has next to the curb. I sit in the back Trina sitting between Tori and i. Tori is still acting a little strange towards me and I'm starting to think she figured out my feelings.

When we get to the house Tori wants to go right to her room. Despite being strong enough to walk a little bit on her hand crutches she isn't strong enough to walk up and down the stairs yet. I volunteer to help her up the stairs hoping maybe Tori will talk to me about her strange acting when we are alone.

Mr. Vega asks if Tori would like the wheelchair brought up to her room, they rented one through the hospital, and Tori just tells him no she is string enough to walk to the bathroom on the crutches since she has a bathroom connected to her room. I help Tori walk up the stairs and as soon as we are at the top of the stairs Tori walks on her crutches away form me. I just shake my head.

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