Chapter 14

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Jade's POV

I walk out of the house towards my car. I just finished class and ran home to grab something before heading to Tori's. She asked me to come over after class today so we could spend time together and do some work.

It's been two months since Tori and I have been officially together and I love it. I know I can still be ganky and bitchy towards her but she loves me for me and accepts me.

I stop to grab us both a coffee because I like to do little things like that for Tori because she deserves them. After running through the drive through I make my way to the Vega's.

We finally told Tori's parents that we were officially together and just like Trina and I knew they were very accepting of it. Mainly because they both knew how she felt about me before the accident. It made me happy that Tori was happy.

I park the car in the driveway and make my way up to Tori's front door. I'm about to just open it when the door opens revealing Tori.

"Hey babe, I got you a coffee." I smile handing her the coffee before leaning forward to give her a kiss and following her in the house.

"Thank you Jade." Tori smiles sweetly at me. Yes I am a sap I love how Tori appreciates small things and they can get a smile out of her.

"So how was your doctors visit Vega?" I follow her to sit down on the couch she has some show I don't recognize on the TV. Probably one of those reality shows she loves.

"Oh you know it went well everything seems to be going well. Do you want some chips and salsa? My mom made fresh salsa earlier today?" Tori asks with a smile.

"Um sure I like salsa." I notice Tori get up and walk into the kitchen and it finally hits me. She isn't using her cane!

"Oh my god Tori where's your cane?" I get up and ask excitedly.

"Finally I was waiting for you to notice! I don't have to use it anymore! And I got cleared to finally drive again today!" Tori says excitedly and I can't help but crash my lips against her.

"That's so amazing." I say breaking the kiss briefly before kissing her again not as hard this time.

I break the kiss and just look at Tori. I can't help but smile at her.

"I'm so happy for you Tori, I really am this is great." I say pulling her in for another kiss. I feel Tori walk as back to the sofa pushing me to sit down before straddeling me. I moan into the kiss as Tori runs her tongue along the inside of my lips. Damn this girl can kiss. I pull her tighter against me leaning back into the back of the couch and moan again as Tori grinds into me.

I run my tongue into Tori's mouth fighting hers for dominance and I feel Tori start to grind into me more. I feel the room start to heat up well actually I think it's just me. We continue to battle our tongues and Tori runs her hands down to my waist and under my shirt slightly. I can't help the moans that come from my mouth. Tori moves down to kiss and suck on my neck as she starts grinding a little more into me and running her thumbs along the inside of my pants. I can feel my panties getting wetter and wetter.

"Oh god Tori, we, we gotta stop." I moan out barely finding my words at the feel of Tori's mouth on my neck.

"Why Jade?" Tori moves to look me in the eyes. I can see lust in there but not just lust, lust and love.

"Because I am starting to lose my control." I say breathlessly.

"I want you Jade. I mean I have wanted you for a long time but god Jade I am so ready for you, for us to be together." Tori says and I can't help but smile.

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