Chapter 11

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Tori's POV

"Tori stop!" I hear Jade yell before coming up and grabbing my wrist. I turn around to look at her and notice she is crying.

"Trina told me, Trina told me you are, were in love with me. I remembered the night I came out to her, the night I finally admitted my feelings for you to myself. Why I have been so mad at you for being with Christian, but you gave up on me, if you actually ever really loved me." I say crying harder." I didn't know if I believed her or not about your feelings so I figured I would come here and talk to you but you were with Christian so you can't love me. Is this some sick joke with you and Trina?" I say putting my face in my hand of the arm Jade isn't holding as I cry.

I pull my arm away from Jade and turn to leave again.

"Trina wasn't lying. You didn't believe me, the night I told you. It was a few days before the accident right in my living room. You got upset and left." I turn around to look at Jade. She comes over and takes my hand and pulls me into her house walking me over to the couch silently telling me to sit. The night starts coming back to me as soon as I walk into her house.

"You were sitting on this couch doing something on your phone. I told you my feelings before I chickened out. I told you I loved you. I am in love with you Tori Vega. I never stopped even if I wanted to I couldn't." Jade says as tears stream down her face.


"I'm in love with you." Jade stutters out breaking my heart. Who told her about my feelings? How did she figure it out? I thought she was my friend now how could she do this to me? I look up at her in shock. Does she want to make Beck jealous to win him back because he finally moved on?

"Wh-what? I don't believe you Jade, how could you trick me like this? I thought we were friends?" I say feeling the tears start to burn my eyes. I know Jade would never feel that way about me. Did Trina tell her?

"Tori I am not lying. Tori I mean it, I love you." I just look at Jade in disbelief.

"You think just because how I feel about you that you can just mess with me? Who told you? God Jade please just leave me alone I can't take another heart break." I say trying to keep my tears at bay.

I grab my purse and storm out of her house, tears blurring my vision. I feel so hurt. When I get home I try to dry my face as much as possible before going in. I don't want my parents questioning why I have been crying.

I look to see I have two missed calls from Jade. I just shake my head and shut off my phone.

End Flashback

"Oh my god. Jade, I, I, remember. I remember that night." I say as happy tears stream down my face. The next thing I know if Jade is kissing me. I can't help but wrap my arms around her back.


Jade just sits there holding my hand I don't know how long time has passed. Jade would get up tell me she would be right back giving me a kiss on my cheek. It was like as soon as she let go of my hand she vanished into thin air. Then she would be back.

"Visiting hours are over Tori but I promise I will be back as soon as I can tomorrow. I love you Tori please wake up." Jade says there was a pause then she leaned forward and gave me a kiss. It felt nice to kiss Jade.

"I love you too Jade." Jade give some another kiss on my forehead then lets go of my hand and disappears.

End flashback

I pull back from the kiss with Jade. I stare at her as she runs her hands over my face. I wish I hadn't fought my feelings from Jade. That kiss was amazing. "Wow." I say. Then I lean forward and give Jade another kiss. I feel Jade smile into the kiss.

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