Chapter 3

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Tori's POV

"I'm in love with you." Jade stutters out breaking my heart. Who told her about my feelings? How did she figure it out? I thought she was my friend now how could she do this to me? I look up at her in shock. Does she want to make Beck jealous to win him back because he finally moved on?

"Wh-what? I don't believe you Jade, how could you trick me like this? I thought we were friends?" I say feeling the tears start to burn my eyes. I know Jade would never feel that way about me. Did Trina tell her?

"Tori I am not lying. Tori I mean it, I love you." I just look at Jade in disbelief.

"You think just because how I feel about you that you can just mess with me? Who told you? God Jade please just leave me alone I can't take another heart break." I say trying to keep my tears at bay.

I grab my purse and storm out of her house, tears blurring my vision. I feel so hurt. When I get home I try to dry my face as much as possible before going in. I don't want my parents questioning why I have been crying.

I look to see I have two missed calls from Jade. I just shake my head and shut off my phone.

I walk in saying hi to my parents and Trina and tell them I have a headache and I am going to bed. They didn't question me just told me to feel better.

As soon as I got into my room I started crying again falling face first into my bed. I knew I never had a chance with Jade but she didn't need to rub it in my face.

After two days of just staying in and not talking to anyone my mom finally had enough.

"Tori honey what's wrong?" she asks coming into my room. I immediately started crying.

"Jade said she was in love with my and I know it's just a trick. She just wants to rub it in my face I don't have a chance with her." I get out before crying more.

"Honey, how do you know she is lying, why do you think that she wouldn't love you?"

"Because Jade likes guys. She was with Beck for 3 years mom." I say trying to stop my tears.

"Tori honey, I don't think Jade would do something like this. When was the last time she was truly cruel to you?'

"I don't know, probably not since before Beck and her got back together."

"I don't think she is doing this as a joke Tori, I think you should talk to her. How many missed calls do you have form her?" My mom asks me. I don't know because my phone is shut off. I finally turn my phone back on seeing I have texts from the gang and Jade and a voice mail. I know it's from Jade without having to listen to it.

"I'm not ready to talk to her yet mom." I say fresh tears forming.

"Okay do it when you are ready. Trina wants to go shopping and I think you should go and get out of the house for a little while. Just think about talking to Jade. I don't believe she would be that cruel." My mom gives me a kiss on the cheek before getting up from the spot she was sitting on my bed.

I get out of bed and go shower then get ready to go shopping with Trina. I am hoping that the day out will help clear my head.

"Are you going to talk to Jade?" Trina asks me on the way to the mall.

"I don't know, mom doesn't think she is lying." I say looking out the window.

"I don't think you should trust her Tori. She is probably trying to make Beck jealous."

"You don't think she could love me?" I say getting angry.

"I don't think she does, I don't believe Jade has the ability to love anyone." Trina sighs out. "Tori you are loveable, it's Jade, she is heartless that makes me think it is a joke. Does she have any emotions besides anger?"

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