Chapter 6

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Jade's POV

On my way home I stop at my favorite place for coffee. I can't believe how close I came to kissing Tori. The way she turned from me though proved that she doesn't feel that way about me. It's hard to be just her friend but I can't ruin the friendship we have.

I get home and go to my room turning on some horror movie I have and climbing in bed. I hope I didn't make things awkward between us.

I do try to do some of my homework before I end up just falling asleep to another horror movie. I wake up the next day with enough time to shower and grab coffee on my way to school.

After class I have to actually do some work that is due for my two classes the next day so I grab more coffee and get myself to sit down and focus on my work. I think about sending Tori a text but stop myself. We are just friends I don't need to check up on her every day.

I managed to focus on my homework and finish it before my mom gets home and makes dinner. I have dinner with my mom and sister before going back to my room and turning on another horror movie. Before I fall asleep I get a text from Tori asking if we can visit the pond tomorrow. I tell her sure then say goodnight to her. I fall asleep with a smile on my face that she still wants to hang out with me.

"So how are your classes going?" Tori asks as I walk beside her pushing her wheel chair down the road.

"They are honestly boring. These are the courses I have to take as prequel classes before I can start taking my classes I want to take, like the basic math, English and history course. So it's just boring stuff I already know a lot about but every major ends up requiring them. Next semester I can start with my classes I really want to take and learn about like the horror writing creative writing course, script writing, and history of film making." I say glad Tori seems interested in my life.

"That sounds exciting, so I am sorry because I don't remember but are you going for script writing?" Tori asks.

"I am majoring in script writing with a minor in English and a minor in directing. I mean I love acting as well but I would rather have the college studies behind me to help me be able to write movies and direct them."

"Oh that is cool, don't forget me when you are famous." Tori says jokingly.

"I won't." I say smiling.

"What was I going to major in, before you know I had my accident."

"Music. You wanted to become a pop star, but wanted a degree behind you incase it didn't work out."

"Do you think I could still do that?"

"Of course, you are Tori Vega, you may not have you memories but you can do anything you want."

"Thanks Jade." Tori stops and looks at me and squeezes my arm. I look at her and smile.

"Have you played any music since you have gotten released?" I ask curiously. We have been so focused on her walking and gaining strength back that I never asked about her music playing.

"No, my parents told me I loved to play piano but I have been to petrified to try it." Tor says with a sad face.

"How about this, after our visit to the pond we can go back to the house and we can play the piano. If you don't remember I will help you. I have played piano since I was little and you were good at piano and only learned in a short amount of time so even if you don't remember you will learn just as quick." I ramble out.

"You really think so?" Tori asks.

"I know so. We can start practicing then when you go back to school next semester you will rock everyone with you piano skills." I say with a cheeky grin.

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