Chapter 16

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Tori's POV

Jade has been secretive all week. She refuses to tell me what her big surprise is. Finally the weekend comes.

Today is Saturday and the start to our spring break and also the day of Jade's surprise. I wake up and go downstairs to get some coffee and a bagel. Jade sadly didn't stay over last night and won't be over until later to pick me up.

"Hey Trina, want to go to the mall?" I ask when I see Trina come down.

"I can't Tori, I'm sorry I have plans today." Trina says checking her phone before looking up at me.

"It's okay." I say feeling bummed out. It's going to be a boring day waiting until Jade gets here.

I grab my coffee and bagel and sit in the living room and turn on the TV. I find a new movie I haven't seen to watch it keeps me interested while I eat my bagel and drink my coffee. I get more coffee just as another movie I haven't seen is starting. I decide to sit down and watch it.

The second movie is rather boring and not holding my attention but nothing else seems interesting that is on. Finally I get a text from Jade at almost halfway through the movie. She tells me to get ready and we are going for an early dinner.

I put my coffee mug in the sink and decide to go shower happy I will see Jade soon. I grab some stuff stripping and putting on my robe. I go in my bathroom turning on the water and dropping the robe. I'm just about to get in when I remember I didn't bring in my brush. I walk back into my room and nearly have a heart attack.

"Holy shit Jade!" I scream out. "You scared me!" I say trying to calm my racing heart.

"I wanted to surprise you." Jade says standing up from the bed not hiding the fact she is checking me out head to toe. I smirk loving the way her eyes fill with lust from just looking at me.

Jade looks back up into my eyes before walking over to me and pulling me into a kiss.

"Well you arrived at a good time." I say huskily unbuttoning the shirt Jade is wearing.

"I know, I was hoping you hadn't showered yet."

"Oh yeah?" I say kissing Jade again running my tongue along her lips as I unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down. I smirk when I see she isn't wearing any panties.

"Yeah, figured we can conserve some water, and have some fun." Jade says huskily running her hands all over my naked back coming to rest on my ass.

"Hmmmm yeah we need to help save the planet." I moan out.

Jade pulls back to pull her tank top off revealing she also isn't wearing a bra. God she is sexy. I pull Jade back into me kissing her hard. Jade's tongue comes and invades my mouth as she walks us back to the bathroom. I run my hand down to her slit

"The water is warmed up for us." I moan out as Jade kisses my neck and runs her hand down to my center.

"Good." Jade says pulling me into the shower.

After our shower we both get ready and head out for our early dinner.

"So what's this big surprise?" I ask while we sit waiting for or food.

"Tori, you have to wait until after dinner and you will see, you don't have much longer to wait so I am definitely not telling you."

"Fine." I say with a pout.

Jade reaches across the table to take my hand. We have a nice dinner just talking about school and anything. I love that Jade and I never run out of stuff to talk about.

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