Chapter 13

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Jade's POV

Tori has an appointment with her doctors today. She is probably getting her cane today which means she is one step closer to walking without anything. I am so happy for her.

I sit in the doctor's office with Tori while we wait for the doctor to see her. Luckily I don't have class until later so I could come to her appointment with her so her parents didn't have to take off from work again.

I get a text from Beck while waiting he says he is going to make a trip home this weekend to visit family and would like if we could hang out. I reply that would be great because there is news I want to tell him.

"Beck is coming home this weekend for a visit." I say to Tori who is also playing on her phone.

"Oh that's great." Tori says with a smile. She kind if remembers the gang a little more but not much sadly. I decide to send Cat a text to see if she wants to visit this weekend, I tell her I will even pick her up since Beck will be home.

"Want to take a little trip with me Friday after class to go pick Cat up from school?" I ask Tori when Cat says she would love the ride.

"Yeah that sounds like fun. I haven't been anywhere in months." Tori says turning back to her phone.

The doctor's visit doesn't take long after we get in to see Tori's doctor. Tori is told she can switch to a cane. The doctor tells us where we can find a cane Tori needs and where she can find one that won't be too expensive.

I take Tori's hand as we leave the doctors. We decide to grab lunch at a place near Tori's doctors before heading back to her house to work on some work we both have for school.

The week passes quickly and Tori and I find ourselves in my car on the way to pick up Cat. We don't have any planes to do anything that night so we make the short drive and get Cat before stopping for dinner and taking Cat to her house. We stay there at little before I take Tori and I back to Tori's house. We don't tell Cat about getting together, we decide to tell both her and Beck at the same time. Beck meet's us at Tori's Saturday afternoon. His plane came in late the previous night and he had lunch with his parents.

We decide to go and see a movie at the mall then hit karaoke dokie later on for dinner and singing.

"Okay guys, so Tori and I have something to tell you both." I say after we are all sitting in Tori's living room having some coffee or sodas.

"What is it?" Beck asks.

"Tori and I are together." I say with a small smile intertwining Tori's fingers with mine.

"Yay! I'm so happy for you guys!" Cat squeals jumping up from her spot on the couch and tackling us in a hug on our spot.

Beck is a little more reserved and his smile doesn't reach his eyes, it's fake. We stay chatting sit in the living room Cat asking about how we got together. I don't tell her the full story. I tell her how we became close before the accident and then after Tori remembered her feelings and we eventually admitted our feelings to each other. Tori also tells them how she has a few of her memories with the gang back.

We leave shortly after that piling in my car heading to the mall to catch the movie. Tori sits shotgun so I take her hand while I drive towards the mall. When I look in the mirror I catch Beck's face staring at our joined hands with an unreadable expression on his face.

After the movie we head to Karaoke Dokie . We find a table before I get up to grab some sodas and order food for Tori and I. Beck comes with me to grab him and Cat sodas and order food.

"So you and Tori? Is this new?" Beck asks when we get away from the table.

"Yes, the feelings aren't but we finally admitted them to each other, didn't you hear me telling Cat?" I ask turning to order Tori and I's soda and food.

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