Chapter 12

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Tori's POV

"Oh Hi Ben." I say nervously.

"Hey Tori, I'm sorry I just dropped by, you didn't return my texts and I was worried."" Ben says with a nervous smile. I hear Trina and Jade walk into the kitchen to give us some privacy.

I feel bad I didn't even glance at my hone the whole time I have been with Jade because honestly I was with the only person I wanted to talk to.

"Um, yeah I am sorry about that I didn't even check my phone yesterday." I say feelings bad.

"It's alright I'm sorry I don't mean to pressure you if you need more time or just want to get to know each other better before answering my question I understand." Ben says referring to when he asked me out the other night.

"Ben you are a really nice guy, but I'm sorry I'm in love with someone else. I just didn't want to admit it to myself." I

"Oh." Ben says looking dejected. "I'm sorry." I whisper out feeling terrible for using him."

"No it's okay. They are lucky whoever they are, you are a great girl Tori." Ben says. He comes over and gives me a hug before leaving.

Jade and Trina walk back out of the kitchen after the front door closes, Jade immediately walking to me.

"Are you okay Tori?" I turn to look at Jade I can't help but smile.

"Yeah, I just feel bad for using him." Jade nods. "But I don't feel bad about how every turned out in the end." Jade smiles and pulls me into a tight hug. "Take me somewhere today. Take me to a place that something big may have happened to me, or even us." I say looking at Jade.

"Okay I know just the place." Jade says giving me a loving but short kiss.

"I'm going to run home and shower and get ready, I'll be back in an hour, you do the same, and I'll grab us coffee as well." Jade says leaning to give me another kiss before grabbing her stuff from my room and leaving. I can't help but smile as I walk up the stairs happy with how everything has turned out.

Jade's POV

I really thought tI was dreaming when Tori kissed me. I thought I was going to wake up depressed just like every time I have a dream about her returning my feelings. That moment Tori was at my front door my heart I swear stopped and didn't start beating again until the kiss. And damn that kiss, nothing I could have ever imaged. I could die because I have reached my happiness in life.

Yesterday was such an amazing day between Tori and I. I panicked when I first woke up this morning thinking it was all just a dream only to feel Tori wrapped tightly in my arms. I couldn't help the immediate smile and pulling her a little tighter to me. Yes I admit it, I have gone soft, I am a cuddly person, but I don't care.

"Hi Jade." My mom says when I get home.

"Hey mom how was your trip?" I asked surprised she is home all ready. She has been trying harder to be involved in my life since my dad doesn't care to but she still travels a lot for work. I guess the combination of having a parent start to care and a girl you love weasel her way into your life I just started becoming less ganky and miserable.

"It was nice. I think we got the deal. What are you doing today? We could get lunch with your sister?" My mom says looking up form the mail she was going through.

"Oh I'm actually taking Tori out." I say.

"Oh how is she doing?" My mom knows all about the accident. She happened to be home when I first found out and panicked.

"She is walking a lot better, only using one crutch." I say and my mom smiles.

"That is good, so is this a date?" She raises her eye brows like she already knows the answer. For someone who wasn't around a lot she sure knows how to read me.

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