Chapter 10

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Tori's POV

Jade and I went to grab lunch then walked the mall a little. She told me about Christian. She met him last semester but had no interest in him.

"I was just hung up on someone that I loved that will never love me back." Jade says as we walk."

I just nod at Jade thinking who it could be, Beck was her ex, maybe she was talking about him?

I can't help but feel sad she is seeing someone. After the mall Jade takes me back home. We decide to just watch a movie before Jade says she has homework to finish. It seems like it almost getting back to the way things were before the almost kiss but it is still awkward

"Do you want to get coffee tomorrow? Maybe go for a walk?" Jade asks as she gets up.

"Yeah I'd like that, I just have plans with Ben tomorrow at around 2." I say.

"Oh okay well we can get coffee then go to the pond and do a little piano." Jade says before getting up from the couch. "Bye Tori." Jade says walking to the front door and leaving.

The next day Jade and comes to pick me up around 10. We go and get coffee before dropping Jade's house back at my house and walk to the pond.

"So are you enjoying school?" Jade asks as we sit by the pond.

"Yeah it is nice to go and just be on my own, it feels almost normal." Jade just nods sipping her coffee

"How is it being back in school after doing the movie?"

"It's a little tough to get back into waking up to go to class but they are interesting classes." Jade says.

Jade and I sit at the pond for an hour before heading back to the house. As we get there I go upstairs to get ready for Ben as Jade talks to Trina. When I am finished getting ready Jade comes up to say goodbye.

"I'll see you later Tori, have fun with Ben." Jade says form the doorway. I really am starting to miss when she used to hug me goodbye.

Ben and I go to see another movie when he picks me up, after the movie we go to a park that was near the mall to walk around a little since it's such a nice day. Ben kisses me goodbye again at the end of the date,

That week when Ben has time to kill he sits with me at the cafeteria while I wait for Trina. Surprisingly I don't see Jade around campus.

Jade does visit one day during the week after I get home and we walk to the pond. We struggle to find anything to really talk about. After that she heads home claiming she has homework to do.

Since she has gotten back it has been starting to get awkward with her. Since Sunday when we went to the pond.

That weekend Ben takes me out again on Friday and Saturday and I don't end up seeing Jade at all. I can't help but feel sad. It's like we are both kind of avoiding each other. Our texts are limited because we just don't know what to talk about. I just keep trying to convince myself that I'll start to like Ben and I don't want to disappoint my parents.

The following week is the same as before with the exception that I see Jade in the cafeteria twice both times she is with Christian. She just smiles and waves at me when I see but grabs coffee and leaves. I can't help the anger that bubbles inside of me that Jade couldn't even come over and say hi.

The rest of the week despite it not being Jade's fault I just can't talk to her. I am so confused by my feelings and why I am acting the way I am. I can't stand her hanging out with that guy. I don't answer her texts even though I shouldn't be upset or jealous she has a new guy in her life but something in me is making me not talk to her.

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