Chapter 15

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Tori's POV

"Jadelyn?" I feel Jade stiffen next to me at the call of her name. Mr. West is standing in the living room of their house.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Jade asks looking angry. I feel her hold on my hand tighten.

"What is the meaning of this Jadelyn? First you embarrass me with your dreams of becoming an actress or whatever blowing money away at that freak school and now you are kissing on some girl? Are you a lesbian now Jade? Was the wanting some unheard of non-reachable dream not enough? Now you want to further embarrass me further by being with some girl. Good luck making anything being with a girl. You disgust me." I see tears building in Jade's eyes as she struggles to not let her father show how much his words have just affected her.

"Dad?" I hear Carrie come rushing down the stairs towards us.

"Go back upstairs Carrie this doesn't concern you." Mr. West says looking briefly away from Jade and I to look at Carrie

"Let's go Tori." Jade says pulling me form the house and out to her car.

As soon as we get out of the house Jade lets go of my hand and walks to the car without looking at me. Jade takes on a cold expression on her face. When I get in the car Jade backs up without even waiting for me to get my seatbelt all the way on. I try to take her hand to comfort her and she flinches and pulls her hand back like I tried to set her hand on fire. I can't help the ache in my chest.

"Jade?" But she just ignores me.

Jade pulls into my driveway after what felt like the longest ride.

"Jade are you still staying over?" I ask nervously. Jade doesn't answer just clenching her jaw and gripping the steering wheel tight starring straight ahead. I feel a tear slide down my cheek.

"Jade?" I ask again.

"Just get out Vega I need to be alone." Jade says still not looking at me.

"Jade, please don't shut me out." I beg as more tears fall from my eyes.

"Just get out Vega!" Jade snaps finally looking at me. I flinch at the anger and hurt swimming in her eyes and feel my heart ache. I just nod opening the door. I wonder if this is the end for us.

"Please don't do anything stupid." I say through my tears.

"I won't." Jade sighs out sounding defeated.

"Remember I love you Jade." I say and step out of the car upset that I didn't get a hug or kiss goodbye.

"I love you too Tori." I hear Jade say faintly before the door shuts.

I quickly walk inside as the tears stream down my face. I notice no one is home as I walk in because I can't control my crying. I shut the door and lean against it sliding down to sit on the floor as sobs rack my body.

After I finally gain control of my crying I walk myself up to m room shutting my door and lying face down into my bed as the crying begins all over again. After crying for an hour I finally cried myself out, but my face and head hurt from crying so much. There is a knock on my door and my dad walks in.

"Hey I thought Jade was coming over today?" My dad asks.

"No uh her dad was home today and said some pretty awful things." I say looking up at my dad. I sit up and begin to tell him all the stuff that Mr. West had said to Jade.

"This is the 3rd person who had a problem with Jade and I being together." I say as my tears starting flowing again.

"Tori honey look at me." I look up from my hands. "There is nothing wrong with you and Jade being together. Don't listen to what anyone says Tori. Love is love and is never wrong whether it's two girls, two guys or a guy and a girl. You should never feel upset about who you love. We love you the same no matter who you love honey, though I personally am very happy Jade can't get you pregnant." My dad says and I can't even help but smile and let out a small laugh. "As for Mr. West he should be ashamed of himself as a parent. As parents we should support our kids, they are never an embarrassment. Don't listen to the people that have a problem with who you love Tori, you will always have small minded people you come in contact with but those people aren't important and you don't need their negative views. Never forget Tori your mother and I are always proud of you and your sister." I get up from the bed and give my dad a tight hug.

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