A Time Turner

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It was a warm summer's morning and Lily was inside the house wondering what she should do. She finally decided to go explore the attic where her parents had kept their old stuff. It was now more than halfway through the summer holidays, two more weeks until she went back to Hogwarts, this year it would only be her, Hugo, Lucy and Louis all their other cousins were leaving. Her thoughts came to a stop as she entered the attic, it wasn't exactly clean, but not too dirty either. 

There were pictures of her great- grandparents, grandparents and parents, and many other things that they no longer used. Suddenly something glowing in the sunlight caught her eye, it was a necklace, a beautiful one too, there was sand in it and it was golden.

 She immediately knew what it was, hearing it in stories from her parents, it was a time turner. She held it cautiously in her hand and went downstairs, she had reached the bottom when she tripped over her own feet, sending the time turner sailing over her.

"No!" she cried for she knew that if it broke she could be transported anywhere in time.

 The time turner broke and the golden sand swirled around her, then everything went black. When she opened her eyes she was exactly where she had been before, on the ground at the bottom of the stairs, except as she looked around she saw that the house looked different. 

But she didn't have much time to think as a middle age couple rushing in their wands out.

"Who are you?" asked the man in a dangerously low voice.

Lily gasped they were her great- grandparents, she had seen their pictures of course. She had to think quickly.

"I am a transfer student for Hogwarts, I was meant to take a portkey there but I ended up here instead," she said gesturing to her surroundings.

"Well then," said the man still looking at her suspiciously, "we'll take you there." gesturing at the fire place.

"Thankyou," she said smiling at them

Lily Luna Potter Lost In TimeWhere stories live. Discover now