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I WAS REALLY nervous as me and my mom walked up to the train to Hogwart. I had my tabby cat inside the cage along with a medium sized suitcase where I managed to fit all of my books and outfits with a bit of trouble. I put my suitcase in the storage area of the train and tightly hugged my mother . I noticed we were receiving glances. They probably recognized my father Klaus mikealson. I ignored the stares as best as I could and went on to hugging my father.

"It will be just fine love. If you ever need anything just send us an owl ok?", I here my mom whisper in my ear.
"Alright. I love you.", I say on my way to the train.

Where do I sit now. Most of the compartments were full until I reached the back of the train where there was just one person sitting there. I hesitantly opened the slide door and sat down across from the pretty girl.

"Hi! I am Sam parks!", she says with a grin.
I return her grin glad that she seemed nice and responded with, " hello. It's nice to meet you. I am Elana mikealson.
I watched sam's jaw drop really far down and there was awkward moment of silence.
"Wait. You are a mikealson?!"
Bloody hell. Did I screw this up by saying my last name? I was really upset and looked down at the ground hoping it wasn't that big of a deal.

" it's such a pleasure!", she says holding out her hand for me to shake.

I look back up with a smile and gladly shake her hand. Thank goodness.

For the rest of the train ride me and Sam just talked. She asked a lot about my family, but i didn't really mind. It was nice to have someone to talk to.


Once we finally arrived to the Hogwarts grounds me and Sam followed the other students down to the great hall where the were four long tables spread across. I could see headmaster Dumbledore and the sorting hat. Me and Sam sat next to a group of ginger haired boys and we waited. Dumbledore then started his speech.

" hello everybody and welcome or welcome back to Hogwarts! Today is going to be just a bit different as we have a new student that is going to be joining the fifth years.", he said with a soft smile.

The room filled with chatter quickly. Was it weird that I was joining the fifth years late? My grandmother mentioned that it was weird for new student to join Hogwarts without passing through the first grades first, but I didn't think it was going to be this much of a big deal. This just made me even more nervous. I stayed silent as Dumbledore continued,

" alright everybody I know you are all ver intrigued as to who i am talking about so Elana mikealson could you please make your way to this stool to get sorted into your house?", continued Dumbledore.

The chatter was louder now I think it's because of my last name. I gulp down my fear and approach the stool. I could feel all of the stares and I was getting really uncomfortable. It was worse when I had to turn around and actually face everybody as the sorting hat thought about my house.

"Hmmm thirst to prove yourself, very adventurous, kind heart, good leader. You are a hard one miss. Mikealson, but so was your grandmother. Hmmmmm. She must be SLYTHERIN!."

Slytherin?! My grandmother was a hufflepuff. I don't understand.I walked towards the slytherin table as my robe started to look like all the others. I sat towards the end where I saw a gap. Once it was too late to change, I realized who I had just sat down next to. I was sitting down next to the same blonde that I had bumped into the other day at hogsmeade. I knew he noticed me, but I didn't stare up from the table. I was too scared.

Dumbledore finished his speech and I followed the rest of the slytherins. Most of them seemed to know where to go except for the first years who were being leaded by someone older. I listened closely to the password before entering with the others into what looked like a dark but cozy room. It had a lot of green and black everywhere and had a cozy fireplace. I followed the girls up kind of sad I didn't have anyone to talk to. I was surprised when I heard a familiar voice,

" Elana!"

I looked back and pushed through some first years and saw it was Sam!

"Sam!", I stayed as I made my way through the remaining slytherins.
" I am so glad you made it into slytherin! Here follow me and I can show to the girls dorms."

I followed Sam up a flight of stairs to the right to the girls dormitories. I found all of my things including my cat Macy on a bed which I assumed must be mine. I walked over to my bed and just talked with Sam for a bit until classes started.

Me and Sam made our way to potions. On my way there I could just sense all of the stares I was receiving. They were so many that I couldn't even tell if they were good or bad. Once me and Sam made it we both sat down next to each other in an empty table. The room was silent for around 1 more minute until the profesor started speaking.

" hello everyone. You all should know, but for the sake of miss.mikealson over here, my name is profesor snape.", I here him say as he gestures over to me causing even more stares. "This year will be a little different. You will all have assigned seats. Stand up and when i call your name, go sit at the table I tell you to."

Halfway through the name calling I sat down over at a table in the middle of the class and towards the end I heard,

"Mr.malfoy, please sit next to miss. Mikealson over there. If she has any questions today quietly answer them for her.", says profesor snape.

I quickly look down not wanting to make eye contact with the jerk from before, but in the corner of my eye I can see him approach the table with the same smirk I recognized. He seemed annoyed. The rest of the class snape just went on about some potions or whatever. I wasn't really laying attention until he mentioned an assignment. We were supposed to make an antidote to common potions. A potion that reveres the effect of uncommon potions. I was a bit nervous because I realized that I hadn't been listening to anything from before.

When it was time to start brewing the potions I got up and got the ingredients on the list. I closely read the directions before following them but it seems like I didn't read them close enough because next thing I know, I am unconscious on the ground with a burning feeling on my arms and migraines.

Once I manage to open my eyes I notice I am in the infirmary. I try to move but I groan when I feel a strong burn across my right arm and I begin to get dizzy with a headache.

" oh you are awake. You'll have to stay here the night before it fully heals. Try not to move too much alright?", a kind lady says.

I move to turn my head over to the left to see her walk in.

" if it weren't for malfoy who quickly carried you over here, your burns would have been much worse.", she continues.

"Huh. Who is Malfoy ?", I manage to say with a little bit of trouble and a dry throat.

I notice the lady grin in another direction so I turn my head to the right to find the blonde from before in a chair next to me. I grown in pain once I manage to move a bit. OH SHIT. Now I remembered that profesor snape had mentioned his name with the seating.

"I am Malfoy. Draco Malfoy", says the blonde next to me with a slight smirk. Other than that he had no expression.

I managed to bring my head back down and I fell asleep uncontrollably with one thought. Why would he do that?

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