VALENTINES | 1k special

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Thank you guys so much for 1k reads! Here is the next chapter, but i will add Valentine's Day to make it more spicy! I hope you like it :)

6 YEAR HONESTLY feels the same so far. All the girls were now going crazy for Valentine's Day. I was just tired and needed breakfast so I walked with lily to the great hall. I sat next to Harry,hermoine,Ron,and the weasley twins at lunch gaining stares as usual because I was a slytherin and the great hall filled with chatter as soon as the owls with the mail came in. All the owls clumsy or not started dropping off letters to their designated destination. Some girls where getting their valentines from their loved one while I just sat there and ate my scone in peace. Or so it was until letters started dropping in front of me one by one. I had a total of 7 darn letters. I looked up from my plate at a pile of envelopes and parchment in front of me.

" blimey Elana", says Ron from my left looking at all the letters.
"I don't know where to start", I say looking through the letters.

I had one from Neville, Fred,dean, Blaise, Harry, and-oh my god. I got one from someone unknown. I start with Harry's letter out of curiosity.

Hello Elana,
I just wanted to wish you a wonderful Valentine's Day and I would just like you to know that I have had a crush on you for a while now.

Lots of love,

As I read the letter further, my eyes widened and I could sense people's stares including Harry's.

"Um wow harry I am flattered", I say looking up from his letter to look directly at him.
He chuckled lightly and started blushing with his right hand scratching the lower back of his head. I didn't know how I felt about us quite yet.
"You like Elana?", asks Ron
"Um yeah", replies Harry nervously.
Next I open blaise's letter. I wasn't expecting one from a friend of pansy's.

Hey Elana. Happy Valentine's Day beautiful

My eyes widened at the sight of the word "beautiful".
"What is it Elana?another admirer?", asks hermoine from my right.
"Um Blaise just called me beautiful", I say still in shock.
"What?!", say Harry, Ron, and hermoine in unison. Hermoine and Ron in shock and Harry in anger.
We all look over at Blaise sitting at the slytherin table talking to pansy the pug faced twat. I turn back around to open Neville's letter next.

Hey Elana,
I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Thanks for standing up for me against crabbe and goyle.
- Neville

I grin as I read Neville's letter and I look over at him who is already staring at me nervously. I wink at him and he blushes as I turn back around. Next I read Fred's letter.

Happy Valentine's Day prankster! Me and George wish you the best and George didn't want me to add this but he has a small crush on you. He'll get over it considering the way you look at Malfoy and Harry so it's alright.
-fred&george (mostly Fred ;)

My eyes widen again as I read on but I laugh at the end and look up at Fred and George. George clearly didn't have a clue that Fred had said what he said so I just smiled at both of them, but what did fred mean by the way I look at Harry and Malfoy? Next i read dean's letter.

Hi there Elana. Happy Valentine's Day!

His letter was short and simple but sweet and i was glad he took a bit of time out of his day to write to me.

"Wait! Someone secret?!", asks hermoine reaching over for the last letter.
"Oh um yeah", I reply taking the letter from her hand to open it.

Everyone close enough to see, watched me as I opened the envelope slowly revealing beautiful hand writing. I was really surprised.

Hello Elana,

As much as I would like you to know who I am, I think it's best if you don't. I just had to get this out of me. I look at you every day as you walk down those halls with your head up high. I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever layed my eyes on. So smart, sophisticated, and lovable. I could get lost in your eyes forever and I would've loved to get lost in your arms too. I admire your brightness and sophistication and I really wish I could kiss you. I love you Elana.

- I wish I could tell you

I gasped when I read the last 4 words of the letter. They love me? They think I am beautiful, smart, sophisticated, and lovable? They want to kiss me?

"What is it elana?", asks hermoine looking over at the letter. "What did they say?"
"I-I. J-just read it for yourself I guess", I say handing hermoine the letter. I was still in shock. The person who wrote this had to be someone I knew right?
"Blimey Elana!", she says as her eyes quickly skim through the words.
"Let me see", asks Ron leaning in.
"Us too", says Fred.
Hermoine hands Ron the letter and he sits upright as Fred and George lean in close to him to read the letter as well.
"Bloody hell", says Ron once he is finished reading the letter.
"Someone's got and admirer", says Fred looking over at me then at George.
I half smile before looking down at my plate. Ron puts the letter next to my left hand and I fold it to put it in my back jean pocket. I was going to find the person who wrote this.
During potions I skimmed my eyes around the whole classroom as profesores snape was talking looking to see if I anyone seemed like they would write the letter. Unfortunately the only thing I got, was snape's attention.

"Looking for something Elana?", he says slowly walking over to my table.
"Um no professor"
" so tell me. What ingredients do you need for a Felix Felicis potion?", he asks.
"You need Ashwinder egg, a squill bulb, a muetlap tentacle, tincture of thyme, occamy eggshell, and powered rue.", I reply looking straight into his eyes.
"Very well", he says slowly before sighing loudly and heading back to the front of the room. He clearly wasn't expecting me to answer correctly.
The rest of the class, I payed a bit more attention to what he said, but still looked around the room every now and then just to make sure I got everyone.
Once classes were over, I headed to the gryffindor common room with hermoine and Ron to study with them.
"Any luck finding your admirer yet?", asks Ron as we enter the portrait of the lady after she gave us a scowl for letting a slytherin in.
"Nope", I reply hopelessly. " it's too hard"
" I will be right back", says hermoine laying her bag on the couch and heading to the girl's dormitories as me and Ron sit at a table close to the fireplace.
"Do you think it could be Malfoy?", he whispers.
"What?!", I say loudly.
"Shhhh", he replies with his index finger over his lips as a signal to shush.
"How could you think such thing Ron?", I ask
"Well I am just saying. It was just a suggestion. Nothing more", he replies with both hands in the air as if to surrender.
"I am back!", says hermoine from behind Ron as she sets a book on the table to study.
The next day, I did the same in transfiguration. I kept skimming my eyes around the class for people that might have written the letter, but had no luck.
"Miss.Mikealson,you seriously can't afford to not pay attention in class as you do not have good grades.", says profesor McGongall from the front of the room.
"Sorry profesor", I reply looking down at my desk in disappointment.
The rest of the class I continued to look down and fidget with my fingers until class was over. Before I could leave, McGongall came over to me.
"I am afraid you will need a tutor Elana. You will not pass your O.W.L.S this year if not. Last year you barely passed my class.", she says looking down at me as I pack my bag.
"So who is going to tutor me?", I ask continuing to pack my things up.
"Well the most advanced student in the class. Draco Malfoy."
As she said his name, I dropped my heavy textbook on my foot.
"Ouch. Wait what?!", I say looking up from my aching feet.
"You heard me Elana. I will talk to him so he can tutor you. You will need it", she continues.
"Wait but-", I start
"But nothing miss.mikealson", she interrupts walking to her desk as I sigh and swing my bag over my right shoulder.
This is not how I was expecting this class to go.

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