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I BARELY SAW Malfoy anymore. we'd make eye contact every once in a while in the hallways but never talked. I was spending a lot more time with harry and we would stay at each other's dorms the whole night to work on finding the horcruxes. we worked restlessly every single day.


"so let me get this straight. your father is friends with the salvatores and gilberts who happen to be friends with bonnie bennet, one of the most powerful witches of all time back in mystic falls?!", asks lily curiously.

"correct", I reply putting on lip balm and rubbing my lips together.

"alright cool. sooo what are you up to lately? I rarely get to see you and sometimes you dont even come back to the dormitories at night. are you seeing someone?!"

"No! of course not! me and harry have been trying to find the horcruxes and sometimes I fall asleep at his dorm.", I reply placing my ring knives in the braces on my thighs and pulling down my skirt.

"hm. and I actually thought you would end up with Malfoy. interesting."

I nudge her playfully with my elbow before grabbing my books and heading to the door.

"where are you off to now?", asks lily

"to meet up with harry again. we cant stop until we find those horcruxes.", I reply shutting the door behind me. I turn around to walk off but suddenly hit someone abruptly. I look up at familiar blue eyes and silky bleach hair dropping down on a handsome face I recognized as soon as I looked up.

"well hello there", says draco staring down at me.

"um hi", I reply on the burst of blushing.

"where are you off to?"

"the library. what are you doing in front of my dorm?"

"well I was going to knock because I wanted to talk to you. we haven't studied together in a while."

"oh well. i've been extremely busy and I dont think I can fit studying in my schedule right now. maybe next week if we're lucky"

"what do you mean we're and what are you so busy with?"

"it has to do with you-know-who. I don't have time to talk right now. ill see you at lunch."

before walking past him I saw his reaction. he got extremely pale and looked shocked but I ignored it and headed out.

I burst out of the slytherin common room and spotted harry in the hallways. I ran over to him and quickly stopped once I had catched up to him.

"oh hey", he says

"hi", I reply with a grin.


I was completely zoned out thinking about a task I had to do for the dark lord as me pansy, and blaise walked down the corridors. pansy was awkwardly close but I ignored it in hopes of getting her off of me soon.

"so what are you guys planning on doing this weekend?", asks pansy

"I am busy pansy", I reply

"well I didnt even get to the part where I invite you yet", pouts pansy followed by a chuckle from blaise.

"ill catch up with you guys later", I say removing my arm from pansy's grip and separating myself from them. I was now headed towards the common room. I hadn't talked to elana for a while and I hope we can study again soon. those days were fun. I was getting really busy with the lord's tasks and I wanted to have a little bit more fun before tomorrow night when his plan finally begins.

I make my way up the stairs to the girls dormitories and take a deep breath before reaching to knock on the door. before my fist reaches the wood, the door swings open and I catch a breeze from elana's smooth locks of hairs swiftly moving across the air. she bumps into me as she closes the door behind her but I dont mind.

she asks me what I am doing here and I reply clearly. she seems weird and like she hasn't been getting much sleep lately. reminds me of myself when I first had to complete tasks for the dark lord. he has been a bit easier on me lately. there is this new task he is doing and he dosen't want me knowing what he is fully up to. when I ask her to study, she declines and I accept it in hopes of seeing her another time. out of curiosity I ask her what she is up to and her response leaves me almost breathless. she was going against the dark lord himself?! she quickly passed me and I stood there for a bit in shock before following her out the door.

as soon as I leave the common room I feel my heart drop when I spot her running up to harry and making time to talk to him. how come she said she was busy and didnt have time for me, but had time for him instead?


me and harry turn a corner towards the library and spot a girl floating in the air and a couple of people staring at her worriedly. I drop my books with a thud and quickly run up to the girl who seemed to be possesd. harry quickly runs up to the girl as well and we make eye contact with worried looks before screaming for help.

soon enough hagrid and professor McGongall show up and are able to bring the girl to the infirmary.

"dont touch that", says professor McGongall as I reach for the locket on the ground.

I quickly move my hand away from the locket before McGongall grabs it with a piece of parchment.

"what do you think that is?", asks harry

"another horcrux", I reply not taking my eyes off of the locket until professor McGongall takes a turn.


"so you think horcruxes have the power to do that to somebody?", asks harry flipping to the next page in his book.

"yes. it is very dark magic", I reply shutting my book and resting my head on the back of the armchair.

"where do you think professor McGongall took it?"

"probably Dumbledore. he has all of the other destroyed horcruxes",

"do you think Dumbledore has destroyed it?"

" I am not sure. but something with that intention shouldn't be left unharmed in a school", I reply reaching over for another book.


me and harry stayed in the library for about 2 more hours before it started getting late.

"we should get some sleep", says harry shutting his book and setting it down.

I slowly nod with a long yawn and I place the book I was reading in my bag.

"goodnight", I say before heading out of the library.

"goodnight", replies harry.

I walk down the dark quiet corridors and decide to stop by moaning myrtles bathroom to wash my face. I am shocked to see Malfoy lumping over one of the sinks and sobbing. I drop my bag and run over to him worriedly.

"what's wrong?", I ask placing my hand on his shoulder

"you dont understand elana"

"help me understand"

"look", he says before lifting up his sleeve revealing a dark death eater mark on his arm. I gasp in shock as he pulls his sleeve back down.

"why are you working for someone that is trying to kill my family?!", I scream

"wait what?"

"don't act dum Malfoy. ill get a new tutor.", before I can grab my bag, he grabs my wrist.

"what do you mean? the lord has never mentioned anything about your family."

"well maybe you just haven't heard him but he has death eaters surrounding my family and they haven't been able to leave the house for weeks now WEEKS! soon war will start and if you want to be on their side then SO BE IT!"

tears roll down my eyes as I pull away from his grip, grab my bag, and head out.


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