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Hi guys!I just quickly wanted to say thank you so much for 1k reads! The 1k special is coming!

also,i made a mistake in the beginning and said elana and the rest were in third year but as you might have been able to tell,it was a mistake. she was in year 5 but now 6! I have a lot of spice coming up so I hope you enjoy!(also remember that the events dont exactly happen in the same timeline as the book or movie:))

The whole summer was shit. I wasnt able to leave the house because my parents were too worried about voldemort's threats. I just want to go back to hogwarts so i can at least have a little bit more freedom even though my parents were questioning whether they should send me or not.
I was finally able to convince my parents that hogwarts is safe. I am thrilled to go back and see harry, hermoine, and ron. I am all packed and ready to go. Before leaving, i do want to do something with my parents so i go downstairs to check up on them.

My father is doing some sort of paperwork and my mother is reading.
"do you want to watch a movie with me?", i ask
"i am a little busy right now sweetheart. Maybe later", answers my father looking up from his work for just a second before looking back down.

the answer was not much of a surprise. looks like ill have to spend my last day home alone.


before I knew it, I was in platform 9 3/4 . first years were everywhere you looked and it was really crowded.

"another year love", says my mother kissing me in the forehead before letting me go into the train. I was still sad father couldnt come to say bye but I had talked to him back home. making my way through the train I looked down at my robe. wow time flew by I was now a 6th year.

all of the sudden I feel a body press against mine and I look up startled. it was draco. I looked into his beautiful eyes and got lost until I realized what was happening. I quickly snapped out and blushed. he had changed a lot since I last saw him. in a good way.

I continue to walk down the aisle in search for a good compartment and my eyes land to where harry, hermoine, and ron are. I open the slide door with a smile as the three look up at me with smiles as well.

"elana!", says hermoine standing up to give me a hug. I hug her back and sit down next to harry.

"hey el", he says a bit gloomily

"hey something wrong?", I ask

"I just missed you. that's all", he replies.

I smile and look out the window letting my mind wander into it's deepest places. all of the sudden my thoughts take a quick turn to voldemort and his threats. he was back and there was not one person in the magic world that wasn't aware. just when my mind was drifting off into something happier the train comes to an abrupt stop.

the windows start to fog up and it starts to become cold.

"bloody hell its cold", says ron rubbing his arms with his hands.

"what is happening?", adds hermoine

"I am gonna go check", I say standing up but before I can leave I feel a hand on my arm.

"dont go elana. it could be dangerous", harry says as I look down at him.

"ill be alright", I reply opening the slide door slowly.

I walk down the cold creaky wooden floor rubbing my hands against my arms because of the cold. I could see my breath even though it was almost pitch black. I could see people shivering inside of their compartments as I walked farther down the aisle and they would look at me like I was crazy.

the wooden pieces of the flooring continue to creak with each of my steps and when I am not paying much attention I feel a really cold breeze. I look up and see a big dark figure floating above me. the closer it got, the colder it was. before I am able to do anything, it starts sucking my soul and I stand there defenseless until I feel a cold hand grab my arm and pull me into the compartment.

I gasp and my heart starts beating really hard until I realize it was draco.

"are you crazy or are you just out of your mind?!", says draco looking down at me from his seat.

I straighten my posture and half smile. "I didnt think it was anything too bad", I reply with pauses because of my shivers.

"here", he says handing me his Slytherin quidditch sweater. I take it from his hand and put it on. it smelled like strong cologne, but it didnt bother me. it actually smelled quite nice.

"thanks", I manage to respond after embracing the heat of his sweater. me and draco stayed in our positions for a while until the lights of the train flickered back on and it continued to move.

"I should get back to my compartment", I say standing up.

" be more careful next time mikealson", replies draco not looking up from his shiny and polished black shoes.

I make my way back down the aisle to where I remembered the compartment being and I stop when I see harry, ron, and hermoine sitting inside. I open the slide doors and shut them behind me once I am inside.

"blimey elana! where were you", says ron worriedly. "this figure came in our compartment and sucked harry's face!"

I look down at harry unconscious on hermoine's lap and I slide next to him in shock.

"luckily professor lupin helped", says hermoine looking up.

I look over at a man next to ron. he seemed familiar.

"remus lupin", he says holding out his hand for me to shake.

" I am sorry did you say remus?", I ask in surprise.

" I believe so", he replies with his hand still out.

" Elana Mikealson", I say shaking his extended hand.

" well merlin's beard! you've grown! I didnt even recognize you elana", he says in shock.

I laugh and we all turn around to look at harry when he lets out a small groan.

"wakey wakey", says ron shaking harry's arm slightly.

"what happened?", harry asks in confusion while slowly returning to an upright position.

"well long story short. this big figure thing came in, sucked your face, and professor lupin here protected you with some sort of spell.", ron explains.

" it's a spell ill be teaching this year as your new defense against the dark arts teacher. here have some chocolate. it'll help.", adds remus handing harry a piece of chocolate he seemed to just carry around in his pocket."i am going to get going now that you are safe. I will see you in Hogwarts."

me, harry, and ron wave goodbye as remus stands up to leave. shortly after, harry is back to normal.

"why are you wearing a quidditch sweater?", he asks

I look down at draco's sweater and smile nervously.

"oh well its a long story", I reply briefly

"we have time", harry adds clearly wanting an explanation.

"well when I went out to check what was going on, I came across one of those big figures and it started sucking my face as well. before it completely left me lifeless, draco pulled me into his compartment and saved me. I was really cold and he must have noticed so he gave me his sweater.", I reply nervously.

"oh", harry says disappointedly. why was he even disappointed? wait! was he jealous?!

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