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22 | sweet war

The crispy cold air cheered up the birds to sing their early morning song. I struggled to open my eyes after hours of twisting and turning the night before. once I managed to get my eyes open, the yawn came right after.

"morning sleepy head!", says lily shaking my shoulder. "wake up!"

"gosh. isn't it a weekend?", I ask sitting up.

"well yes but it's nearly 1:00pm. you missed breakfast and I dont want you missing lunch as well."

"but it isn't even time for lunch yet and I haven't gotten any sleep. just barely 2 hours."

lily's eyes widen and her mouth curves into a frown. "ok then."

I smile and stand up walking over to the window.

"what the fuck?", I mutter.

"what is it?", aks lily walking over to me.

"there's freaking death eaters surrounding the whole school! I need to go to harry now!"

I quickly head over to my closet and pick out a pretty red plated skirt and a white top. I then pick up my Gryffindor head band and high knee socks and proceed to the bathroom to change. once I've slipped on my clothes as fast as wizardly possible, i tie my hair up in a ponytail and slam the door open quickly. walking over to my bed i stub my toe really badly but i ignore it and reach over for my braces and ring knives. i carefully wrap the black leather braces around my thigh and stick in the two ring knives-one on each side- before heading out.

the painting pushes open and i make my way down the corridors speed walking and scanning the area for harry when i bump into someone.

"draco", i say looking up in surprise. " i am sorry i cant talk right now."

"of course you cant. i bet you have time for pottah.", he scoffs and walks off.

My heart is telling me to go after him but my mind is telling me to find harry and my instinct is telling me to follow my mind before something bad happens so that's what i do. after 15 minutes of thoroughly searching every hall on the second floor i finally come across harry with hermoine and ron.

"harry!", i scream as i run up to him and the others." there are death eaters surrounding the whole school. haven't you guys noticed?"

"what?", says harry looking out of the nearest window. the plants seemed dead and frozen and a chill swept up my spine when i got closer to the window. "we need to tell Dumbledore."

"blimey", says ron staring over my shoulder at the dark creatures roaming the outsides of the castle.

"no shit", i reply following harry towards Dumbledore's office.


we say the password and the staircase upwards emerges from the spinning brick and steel. me and harry quickly make our ways up to Dumbledore's office out of breath and worried.

" Dumbledore!", i scream

"there are death eaters surrounding the castle everywhere.", adds harry.

Dumbledore squirms in his seat adjusting his position. " I am aware of that". how can this man always be so calm? " we are going to lock down the school until further actions. for now, i suggest you return to your regular lives. if anything bad happens, I will surely inform you."

me and harry stare at eachother in confusion before drawing our eyes back to Dumbledore.

"is that all?", i ask.

Dumbledore nods and proceeds to the work he was doing before we barged in. me and harry slowly retreat and walk down the stairs in a calmer fashion hoping that the situation didnt worsen.

"what now?", aks harry.

"i am not sure. it seems like he has everything under control, but i cant help but feel this weird feeling in my gut that something is going to go wrong. that his plans are going to fail. that someone is going to die.


i couldnt seem to sit still. every time i tried, i would start either fidgeting my fingers or bouncing my legs up and down. the nerves where everywhere in my body and i couldnt think straight.

"here", says harry handing me a cup of warm tea.

"thanks", i reply taking it from his hand and cupping the mug with mine.

"they seem like they are getting ready for something. they haven't attacked but something tells me they are up to something.", adds harry sitting down in the seat in front of me.

"i just cant stay calm. that feeling i was talking about earlier, i cant seem to shake it off. its like my subconscious is trying to tell me something."

suddenly the painting to the Gryffindor common room bursts open and Dumbledore, snape, and McGongall walk in.

"We need your help", says Dumbledore.

me and harry exchange glances before standing up and walking up to Dumbledore to help without hesitation.


" it looks like the death eaters have been hear since 2:00 in the morning. they haven't changed into their bodies. at least not that i know of. i am afraid you-know-who is planning an attack for tonight and i think i know why he is here."

"why?", me and harry ask in unision.

"for you two", answers Dumbledore. for a second i forget how to breath, but quickly snap out of it and look at harry with worry deeply infiltrated within my eyes.

"what does he want with us?", i manage to ask.

"well harry, he has been wanting to kill for a while, but you elana, he wants you for your hybrid power.", continues Dumbledore with concern. " i am afraid we will have to fight tonight."

i gulp down a huge lump of worry in my throat and flip the switch of fighting mode that was deeply berried in my brain. i knew it was there but it wasn't until now, that i activated it.

"if we have to fight, then lets fight.". i say pulling out my ring knives from their braces and spinning them around using my fingers.

"alright then. harry and elana for now i need you to make sure no first, second, or third years are wandering around in the castle. 4th years and up you must recruit to fight. minerva and Severus, you will start creating the shielding spell around Hogwarts to hold them off. the time has come."


"what are those?", asks harry pointing at my ring knives as we speed walk down the corridors in search for third years and under.

"these are ring knives. this one in specific is a snake edge. a 4 inch long blade slightly curved at the end sharpened at the sides for effect.", i reply

"why dont you just use your wand?", aks harry.

"oh i will, but first. i want to use these babies wisely.", i chuckle.

"the halls seem empty and the professors are probably finished with the shielding spell by now. the time is coming."

"sure is."

i walk over to the nearest window and my heart sinks when i see the death eaters approaching the castle. it wasn't because of the death eaters, it was because Draco was among them. tears threaten to fall down my cheeks, but i only let one out. he chose his side. and now.....

we fight.

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