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THAT NIGHT I decided to go to the astronomy tower. I hadn't been there in a while and the view was pretty fantastic. as I made my way up the last stairs at the top I caught a glance of bleach hair. once I was at the top, the boy turned around. it was draco. he was leaning against one of the pillars and staring off into the distance.

" I didnt know you came here", I say taking a step forward.

"you dont know anything about me", he replies brutaly.

"alright geez. stay lonely". I am about to leave when I hear his voice again.

"wait sorry". I turn around with furrowed eyebrows and stare down at him on the metallic ground.

"what are you doing up here anyways?", I ask curiously wondering why the bad boy with daddy issues was sitting all alone at the top of the astronomy tower staring off into the distance.

"just thinking", he replies still staring somewhere into the sky.

"dont you come here with friends?", I ask.

"I wouldn't be able to think with friends"

"ok then bad boy"

"what did you just call me?", he says finally taking his eyes off of that one spot to stare at me.

"what's wrong with it. it's the truth.", I reply with a smile.

"whatever. what are you doing here?"

"well I came for the same reason as you Malfoy. to think straight."

he nods in agreement and turns around to stare at that same spot again.

"so has Mcgongall told you yet?", I ask

"told me what?"

"about the tutoring thing."

"tutoring? I dont need tutoring?", he says in confusion.

"not you, me"

"oh. and what does that have to do with me?"

"well she wants you to tutor me", I reply.

"and yet I thought I would get rid of you sooner.",

"I guess that's a no then", I say standing up from beside him and walking away.

"wait! I was just kidding", he says quickly after I stand up.

I turn back around to face him with a smile.

"thought so", I say. "i'll leave you to think now". as I turn around to leave I feel a cold hand grab my wrist lightly. I turn my head around and see draco with his hand still on my wrist.

"could you come be lonely with me?", he asks. I am shocked at his question but nod lightly and sit back down next to him. for the rest of the time there, I couldnt stop thinking about it. every time I replayed it in my mind I felt chills down my spine as soon as he touched my wrist.

eventually it started getting late and cold so we both made our way down from the astronomy tower, and headed to the Slytherin common room.

"goodnight", I say.

"goodnight", replies draco with a small smile.


the next morning I waited for hermoine and ron to watch the quidditch game in the great hall. it was Gryffindor vs slytherin.

"hey elana!", says hermoine as soon as she spots me.

"hey!", I say waving back and quickly grabbing a scone before standing up.

"ready to go?", asks ron grabbing 2 scones for himself.

"yup!", I reply with a grin.

"lets go then", says hermoine.

we walk out of the great hall and head to the stands in the quidditch field. I wave them goodbye as soon as we part ways to our house stands and I meet with lily to watch the game. it was going well so far until harry and daco both raced face to face to catch the snitch. the game was getting intense and Gryffindor would lose unless harry caught the snitch. all of a sudden I watch harry push draco really hard and send him flying off his broom. we all watch as draco rapidly falls towards the ground and hits the grass with a very loud thud and a crack.

I gasp and make my way down from the stands towards him. madam pomfrey was already next to him once I got there.

"are you alright?", I ask worriedly

"totally", he replies. I hold his hand tightly as madam pomfrey checks him. I see him look down at our enlaced hands and I look away before he can notice me staring. he seemed shocked at my gesture but I didnt let go. soon after, madam pomfrey was able to heal all the wounds and Malfoy was back to normal.

"here's your bag", I say handing him his bag.

"thanks", he replies with a half smile.

"is there anything else you need?", I ask

" I am fine",

"alright then. ill walk with you to the common room."

me and Malfoy walk down the corridors to the slytherin common room in silence, but the silence breaks as soon as we enter.

"so when are we going to start the tutoring?", he asks.

"um. whenever you feel better", I reply

"well I feel fine now if you are up for it"

"oh um sure. ill just have to get my books from my room. ill be right back"

"alright", says Malfoy sitting down on the couch when pansy Parkinson comes in.

"hey draco!", she says with a flirty look.

"hi", replies draco not paying much attention.

"so what are you doing?", asks pansy sitting down next to him.

"waiting for elana", he replies.

I get back soon enough to hear her response.

"ugh. that dirty little mudblood?", asks pansy in disgust.

"mhm", replies draco.

I couldn't believe draco just agreed to me being a dirty little mudblood with that pug faced twat! I tried to hold back my tears but they just came rolling down.

"oh look. there she is now!", says pansy looking up from draco and pointing in my direction. draco turns around to face me as well but I quickly storm out of the common room towards the astronomy tower. it was my turn to think now.

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