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this chapter will probably be longer than usual so i hope you enjoy!

TODAY WAS THE official triwizard tournament except now it wasnt just 3 people. it was 5. i could feel the sweat dripping down from my forehead onto my cheeks. i was too busy thinking about my game plan to wipe it off. harry also seemed concentrated. he was looking down at his fidgeting fingers and he looked like a mess. honestly so did i. we had already picked our dragons from the bag. i had gotten the common welsh green. i think it was the cutest one but i was taught never to judge a book by it's cover.

cedric was up first. he seemed really nervous but unlike me and harry he actually signed up for it. we watched him walk out and i went back to my game plan. i had spent the previous night learning spells and spells that drove my friend lily mad. usually i would go to the gryffindor common room to hang out with hermoine but yesterday only lily went. i barely got any sleep from staying up all night. i just really didnt want to die!

cedric came in all bruised up but he had gotten the golden egg. it was now fleurs turn who was later followed by viktor and then it was harry's turn. i was really nervous for him. i peaked out of the tent to see and he kept having to hide behind rocks so that the dragons fire breath wouln't hit him. eventually he went up on his broom and the dragon followed. he left my sight and i went back inside the tent wishing him luck.

minutes later harry came flying back with the dragon close behind. leaning forward on his broom he picked up speed and bent down below. reaching out he managed to get ahold of the egg and he flew back up with it in his hands. the crowd went wild and i clapped for him. it was now my turn. the sweat was dripping down my forehead in more quantity and i had never been this nervous in my life. i spotted the common welsh green dragon and i quickly ran behind a rock trying to think of a spell to cast. the dragon didnt give me enough time to think and it scraped its claws on the rock centemiters away from my arm. the crowd gasped as i rolled on the ground onto the nearest rock. it then came to me. i would use a sleeping spell to put the dragon to sleep in order to retrive the egg.

the dragon's footsteps made the ground tremble and the rocks slowly started coming apart. i took a deep breath, stood up from behind the rock, and pointed my wand at the dragon. "somnium!", i scream and watch the dragon slowly fall to the ground in a deep sleep. i slowly and carefully make my way to the golden egg and snatch it before the dragon wakes up. the crowd cheers and i smile in releif.


as much as i wanted it to be over already, it wasnt. me and harry worked together to try to decode the clues. Cedric was kind enough to give us a clue that we used to listen to the egg's message. we then both got help from hermoine to find a spell to breath underwater with. we ended up using gillyweed.

at the time of the second competition me and harry were very nervous once again. one of our loved ones would be down there but i really only liked harry. what if it was hermoine? no that must be viktor's. oh dear. the competition begun and me and harry gulped down the digusting slimey gillyweed neville brought us and jumped in the water. there was a lot of seweed wiggling around and the water was very brown.

i couldnt see anyone in the distance but i followed a creature around the water that led me to where everyone was. as i got closer to the bodies i spotted a handsome blonde boy. it was draco. i began to swim faster but i was stopped by a mer-creature and it's trydant was in the way. i used my defense classes and grabbed the trydant and spun it around so it was now against the mer-creature's neck. it seemed frightened but more mer-creatures started appearing from behind all of the sea weed. i held onto the trydent firmly and swam towards draco still keeping an eye out for mer-creatures.

i knew they were following me. they were really fast swimmers. fortunatley the gillyweed had given me more mer-like feet which helped me out in the long-run. the bubble spell around draco was about to pop and i was swimming as fast as i could with many mer-creatures close behind. i spotted viktor getting hermoine, but i didnt even care about winning. i just wanted to get this over with. then cedric showed up but fleur and harry were still nowhere to be found.

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