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24| sweet war 2

if I could smell fear, I am sure that is all I would smell right now. the 4th years were taking care of younger kids in the dungeons while the 5ths and up were fighting. I held on tightly to my ring knives. tight enough for my knuckles to change a shade lighter than before. the death eaters all threw spells at once that clashed against the shielding spell slowly starting to crack it and diminish it's power. all we could do for now was watch as the shield that was once sturdy and strong became less and less powerful by the second with every hit. all eyes were on the shield. as soon as it collapsed, we would all have to fight, for now, we were just bracing ourselves.


the time came when the portal was too weak to stand and it slowly dissolved into thin air. seconds after, the death eaters started charging at us with tight grips on their wands and a thirst to kill and satisfy their lord. I swing my ring knives over and over again using my knuckles for control. spells started flying in the air and bodies started collapsing onto the hard rocky ground. a death eater came right at me and I through my ring knife straight to his chest and watched him fall to the ground. I then pulled out the blood covered knife and shook it sending drops of blood flying in the air. I did the same to anyone who approached me until the person approaching me was voldermort himself.


I then stuck out my wand and held onto it tightly like my life depended on it. it technically did. I furrowed my eyebrows in anger and blocked every single one of his spells until I wasn't fast enough and got hit in the chest sending me flying back. I scraped the palms of my hands as I landed on the concrete. I wouldn't let him win. not this time and not ever. I quickly stood up again and remembered one specific spell I had read about. I didnt know what it did, all I knew was that it could seriously injure someone. I picked up my wand and with a flick of my wrist threw the spell at him with all my might but sank when he blocked it over and over again.

he was now using the unforgivable curse.

"avada kedavra!", he would scream.

luckily I ducked and hid every time until harry came to help. as harry helped me up I looked over at Malfoy fighting against his own people. against the school that he had been in for years. against his classmates and teachers. tears accumulated in my eyes until I couldnt hold them in anymore.

"lets go before Voldemort sees us again", says harry.

"we must fight", I reply wiping the blood off of my lips with the back of my hand.

"what about all the blood? aren't you part vampire and all?"

"yes, but i've learned to control it as hard as it is. we cant leave without ending this."

"alright but-"

poof that's all I remember before waking up on the cold hard concrete floor in what seemed like a dark underground basement.

"you're awake", says harry from behind startling me.

as an instinct I quickly turn around and point my wand in his direction but lower it once I realize it's him. "sorry"

"its alright."

"what is this place? what happened?"

"I dont know. I woke up here just as clueless as you."

I turn back around and head to a bar door. "alohamora!", I shout with no success.

"I dont think magic works down here.", adds harry standing to his feet and walking towards me. "we are probably not getting out of here unless somebody comes."

"this can't be happening! we have a fight to fight and people at Hogwarts are waiting for us!"

"I know, but for now there is nothing we can do", says harry placing his hand on my shoulder and wrapping me in his arms for a tight hug.



I try to get through to the castle but all of the spells are slowing me down. I look around for father but see elana on the ground instead. she has blood on her lips, face, knees, and hands. I can't help but feel guilt for all of it, but before I can approach her a hand is placed on my shoulder tightly.

"son let's go.", says father close to my ear.

"aren't you friends with elana's father?", I ask

"son, it is not the time to be questioning me right now. I follow the lord's orders and nothing can or will change that. you must follow the lord's orders as well with no exceptions. if this was part of his plan then so be it now let's leave the girl and potter in his hands.", he replies.

a cold tear races to the bottom of my cheek as I watch pottah help her up with a smile. I let my father carry me away hoping that elana can defend herself.


I hopelessly sit on the cold ground letting my mind wander into the darkest yet truest places. I am very deep in my thoughts when I hear footsteps coming from the entrance. I can tell harry heras them too because he jolts up just as fast as I do. we exchange glances with eachother and I press my index finger on my lips signaling him to be quiet. keys jingle and the bar door creaks open as me and harry hide behind a tall stone pillar slightly peaking out to look.

my eyes widen as soon as I notice very familiar bleach hair.

"draco?", I ask walking out from behind the pillar with harry close behind.

"are you alright?", aks draco walking over to us.

I take a step back and nod.

"come with me", he says waving his hand for us to follow him.

"why should I trust you after everything?", I snap at him.

he looks back at me with genuine guilt and I can read it like pages in books. "I understand if you dont trust me, but you have to trust me on this. I am trying to help.", he replies looking at me in the eyes.

" sorry Malfoy but-", begins harry before I cut him off.

"I trust him", I say walking up to draco and cupping his hands in mine using my thumbs to lightly massage them. he was clearly guilty and in pain and I didnt want it to proceed any further.

"you what?!", screams harry. "he is a literal death eater and you are going to follow him?! elana are you sure about this?"

"positive", I reply not taking my eyes off of Draco's. "I trust him fully"

"fine, but if we get killed because of it-"

"we wont get killed harry"

"thank you for trusting me", says draco separating his hands from mine and turning around to walk towards the bar door. me and harry follow him up the stairs into an empty dark room with high ceilings, stone walls, marble flooring, and a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling right in the middle.

"where are we?", I ask

"you are in Malfoy manor", replies draco leading me and harry to a back door into a garden.

"why are we here?", asks harry hesitantly following Malfoy as well.

"because voldermort brought you here. he was planning to kill harry tonight and he has plans on using your hybrid powers. he wanted to inject himself with a serum taken from werewolf teeth so that he could turn into a wolf as well.", replies draco.

he continues to lead us down a big stone trail in the garden. we get close to the end and he opens the fence revealing lots of hills and land with nothing but grass. I stand there in shock alongside harry.

"how are we supposed to get back to Hogwarts?", I ask

"apparition", replies draco extending his harm for me and harry to grab.

I quickly grab ahold of his arm and harry follows hesitantly. a lot of dizziness later, we are standing in front of the Hogwarts grounds, but they seemed different. it was darker. colder. gloomier. like every last shred of life and light had been sucked out of it completely. it seemed dead.

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