Chapter 2

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Anwesha POV

Hi,I am Anwesha let's be friends though I like myself;),so for info you have already given so I won't give(I can see your eyes rolling tsk tsk).So for my present situation I will be leaving for America tomorrow to do more higher studies on physics and math.But don't get me wrong I am not nerd cause I like many things like paintings, playing basket ball etc.

I have been packing my suitcase for tomorrow flight. Ahhhhhh,here goes my parents,

"Kuchu(my nickname I know it's too unique meaning of it is small.not the sarcasm cause my height is not small I am 5'11"see) সাবধানতা অবলম্বন করুন, নিজের যত্ন নিন, সঠিকভাবে খাবেন, সময় মতো ঘুমান ..(be carefully,take care of yourself ,eat properly ,sleep timely)"said my ma (mom)

"হ্যাঁ এবং কোনও জটিল পরিস্থিতিতে জড়িয়ে পড়বেন না, কোনও ছেলে বা অপরিচিত লোককে আপনার কাছাকাছি আসতে দেবেন না, গর্ভবতী না হন ...(yes and don't get involve in any complicated situation, don't let any boy or stranger near you ,don't...)"said my baba(dad).and they both go on like eternity. And the only thing I did is to nod.

You know why this is happening cause they think me to be a baby girl who knows nothing of world but they didn't know my dark past and no one knows rather than myself and I am full of secret infact they don't know I am a writer and artist cause i don't like to share my thoughts so much and due to which they think i am aka innocent  ,well they are wrong. Don't get the idea that i am not virgin cause I am ...leave back to current situation.

They have now finished their lecture and crying etc for last 1hour .so ,they left my room i was about to go to sleep when my bhai(little brother)came though he is not little as he is 19 years old and height is 6'1" well built and handsome but we love each other like hell but when we get angry it lookes like we are mortal enemy.

"Didi मुझे याद होगा कि तुम अपना ध्यान रखना और मैं कुछ महीने के बाद तुम्हें देखने आऊंगा। मेरी स्वीकृति के बिना कोई प्रेमी नहीं मिलता..(i will miss you take care of yourself and i will come to see you after some month.don't get any boyfriend without my approval...)"said my bhai

You might be thinking why I am speaking to him in hindi and not bengali cause though we both are bengali but we like to interact with each other in hindi ,i know it's weird but ya..🥴

"Bhai मुझे याद होगा कि आप भी अपना ध्यान रखते हैं और मैं कुछ महीनों के बाद आपको देखने का इंतजार करूंगा। मेरी स्वीकृति के बिना कोई प्रेमिका नहीं मिलती..(i will miss you too take care of yourself and i will be waiting to see you after some month.also don't get any girlfriend without my approval..) I said and added "किसी भी दिल को मत तोड़ो"

"आपको भी"said my bhai with teary eye and we hugged each other,then we broke I said"i love you bro"

"I love you too didi" he said kissing my forehead. I smiled and after a small talk he left .

Now I am left alone to drift to my world of thinking

Why we need to work so much to live?
From where did money originate?
Why we need it ?
Cause we need to buy necessary supplies said my conscious
But what is the most necessary thing 🤨
Food and water to survive duh 😑 said my conscious
Well then from where do we get this things ie. What I mean from what they originate.
Well,from plants🧐
So if it originate from plant and we get other things from nature then why we need money In between our nature and necessity. 😏
Wow🤯 I am going to sleep better cia adios😶
Noooo wait
Shit bye off to sleep.with that I drift back to sleep.

Next morning
I was shaken by earthquake who cause it aka my bhai
"Ahhhhhh let me sleep" I mumbled

"Nah it's 10am and you have flight at 2 PM. So you have to have breakfast and lunch so duh get up"he said removing the cover I bolted out and sat regain my senses then started my morning business and my brother left me.

After I bath I directly went to get dress for flight nothing new though denim jean and hoodie which when pulled cover my face.

After I bath I directly went to get dress for flight nothing new though denim jean and hoodie which when pulled cover my face

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Outfit above^

So with that I went for breakfast and then we finished our small talk then after some time it's time for farewell well for me it's going to be interesting journey though I have some distant cousin who will help me to settle though I will go to hotel and will not stay with them cause I don't like to be a burden though they say to stay but I know they are being polite and understand human beings who are complicated. Here goes nothing.

My parents and bro where lecturing me  till my end I said "আমি তোমাদের সবাইকে ভালবাসি( I love you all),bye bye" giving them group hug .

Then I proceeded to my flight after all the formalities with our fellow plane security 😬 then after I am settled in plane I started to read some wattpad stories and soon drift to sleep ,only got up to eat and use washroom and at last when we landed .Though I don't go to flight frequently I am not afraid nor afraid of high height nor death but afraid of losing someone in front of me or getting severely hurt or hurt after love so I avoid them.

Now let's pack up .when I reached America it's already 6:30pm was little tired due to jet lag.

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