chapter 7

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Anwesha POV

I went to my hotel room to pack my things then I thought if its fraud or not .so I checked in the internet his name and picture.Then I saw it matched him .There was not much personal information .

Then I thought

Do I want more money of my own?
Do I want to work as a nanny getting paid more than needed?
Do I want to be bossed around and have to sumit to a unknown stranger?
This is also the reason I never liked job.when my father said he want to choose between business of his own or job in company. I readily said business cause I don't like taking orders from others .all my near friends and family knew from birth .whenever they ordered me to do something I would refuse even if I got beaten up,but if the same task is requested me to do with love I would do it readily.

So now what
I will speak with him telling I can't and will give him the reason.

So with that I went towards the place where Xavier was standing leaning against limo and carrying the baby boy.

I said "humm,I think I can't do the job."

He looked at me confused said "why"

I said "well you see I don't like to be bossed around thus never went for a job in company though I was highly qualified for that. I always had this problem from birth cause when ever someone ordered I never listen even I got punished for not obeying from parents .so I can't even though it's a great offer."

He looked at me amused said "okay, then I won't be your boss "

I looked at him confused said "then what will you be"

He said "you tell me ,but don't leave the job cause Rick for the first time calmed down even slept in strangers arm."

I contemplated for a  moment said "hmmmm,friends?" More like question.

He said "friends " and smirked said "come get in."

I said "what about my things "frowning.

He said "don't worry I will send my men to collect your luggage ,so don't worry come "gesturing towards the limo.

I nodded said "okay"

Then I got into the limo for the first time though I had enough money to buy one due to my savings from my extracurricular work. I saw how luxurious and ravishing it looked. Then I looked at Xavier typing frantically before putting phone down with one hand other held the little boy. After that we were in our own thoughts before I broke the silence
"Uh,I was thinking can I give you a nick name as my new friend please".

He gave me nod. I was excited cause he was the first friend I had here,hope he is good guy.

"I will call you 'Vir' which means brave and gives feeling of pride, manliness, strength which suits you well.Oh and it's also a part of your name "

I grinned and he was about to say something I interrupted said "I know you liked your nick name no need to thank me . You know I tend to be open and speak to my friends so if you ever think I am babbling and make you irritated please tell me to stop".

I was interrupted was a laugh I saw Vir chuckle it was beautiful sound which i heard and looking at me at amusement.

He said "you are unique and interesting  you know and you are the first person to make me smile. It's nice to have you as my friend mio An angel "

I said "I try to make my friends laugh at my interesting sentences what can I say it's in my nature which I show to my friends,cause I love to see others happy .Though no one knows the real me ,cause my real me is introvert ,more mature,has insecurities"i mumbled the last part not wanting him to hear me.

He looked at he trying to decipher something then I changed the subject saying "so what's your nephew's name "

He said "Rick "


He was about to tell something when the car pulled over in front of a big mansion it was five times big than my parents house which was biggest in the town .In the entry it had large garden which had been taken cared and then we came face to face to the elegant mansion,man how beautiful it is .we were exiting I saw vir having problem handling Rick so I said "vir,give me Rick while you are exiting. "

He said nothing just nodded and handed me Rick but exited.

I said "wow ,Vir you have such a beautiful house"

He nodded and smiled said "come inside ".

With that we proceeded inside and it was damn like dream house though I didn't show too much excitement outside but I was excited inside. Involuntary smile.

He showed me the places

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