Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: A Quick Round of Rock-Paper-Scissors

"Why is it that us three have to be stuck with prisoners, while everyone else gets to be a hero of war?" Suk Jin panted, his sentence staccato'ed from his efforts of jogging through the hallways.

"Maybe it's because you can barely keep up," HaHa chirped. "Your big nose isn't what everyone wants to have to worry about up there!"

Kwang Soo let out a huffed laugh, as the three continued to wind their way upstream through the barrage of people headed in the opposite direction.

"Both prisoners were unconscious last time I saw them on the security feeds thanks to Jong Kook," Kwang Soo started, wincing slightly as he recalled the sounds of his friend's fists hitting the prisoners, "maybe we should check on GD first since he's their leader?"

Suk Jin shook his head. "He's in the more secure cell. Seungri is probably more dangerous in terms of a fight, so the three of us should probably take care of him first," he commented, absentmindedly rubbing his arm from the previous encounter he had with the commander.

HaHa made a grunt of agreement, taking a sharp left and changing their course to head towards Seungri's cell. They slowed their steps as they arrived, quietly catching their breath before entering the codes to unlock the chamber. HaHa looked around warily. "Where are the guards?"

"They've been called off to help hold off any further advancements," Kwang Soo answered, recalling Jae Suk's commands from the security room. "They want as many people out fighting as they can." Suk Jin looked behind him at the others as the inputted password was accepted, the blaring red line flashing green as a series of clicks opened the vault in which the prisoner was residing.

Seungri lay on his side with his back to the door in a disheveled heap on the ground, his blond hair unrecognizable as it was covered in dust and blood. His breathing was shallow and slow, deep in apparent slumber thanks to Mr. Sparta. Nevertheless, the betrayal brothers' true colours shone through, each too chicken to enter the room first. After a quick round of rock, paper, scissors, HaHa was once again the loser, stepping in hesitantly. He made his way over to the captive, nudging his boot apprehensively against Seungri's back. Seungri's body moved limply in flow with the movement. HaHa turned back to his companions, giving a slight thumb's up to reassure their hesitancies. Suk Jin and Kwang Soo both entered cautiously before shutting the door firmly, morbid curiosity driving them forward to see what state Jong Kook had left him in.

Kwang Soo leaned over the enemy, taking in the bruising against the younger's face. His jaw was a nasty shade of black, brightened only slightly by the dried blood that had crusted there from a few short hours before. He also noticed Seungri's left earring had been torn out, and Kwang Soo could feel his stomach flip - he had never been good dealing with torture. He tried to look away, but something just a few feet short of Seungri's face caught his attention. His feet were rooted to the ground however, so he squinted trying to bring the two small objects into focus.

They were teeth.

Kwang Soo couldn't hold the bile back this time as it stung the back of his throat, filling his mouth. He instinctively raised his hand to cover his mouth, trying not to draw attention to himself as he forced himself to swallow. He stepped back closer towards the shut entrance, hoping the others wouldn't notice his nausea.

HaHa had followed the same line of sight that Kwang Soo had, his eyes resting upon the teeth. He quickly stepped over the body, squatting down to inspect the pearly whites.

"Whoa, Suk Jin, look at this! Kookie must have given him one hell of a beating to knock out two of his back molars," he commented, before tossing one of the molars to the eldest. Suk Jin caught it with a bit of effort, pinching the tooth and holding it up for examination. "Why does it have to be so dark in here," he mumbled, heading towards the one exit to see the molar in a better light. Kwang Soo, stomach still churning at the thought of the teeth, stepped away, moving to a more central spot against the shadows in the wall between HaHa and Suk Jin, pretending to be completely absorbed in studying the pattern of his sweater.

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