Obstacle Course/Calvery battle

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3rd Person POV

Before the obstacle course started deku made sure to sand in the back so that way he could activate Full Cowling and use Gran Torino style of movement.

As soon as it began Deku activated Full Cowling and instantly took the lead shocking everyone mainly class 1a, All Might, and Aizawa but Todorki was chasing him down.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING NERD!!!" Bakugo yelled as he started using his explosions to propel himself forward.

Deku was the first one to see the zero pointers and he instantly ran past them maintaining the lead and with Bakugo and Todorki close behind.

'Okay focus make sure that you don't go any higher than 14% you have to prove yourself to All Might and everyone who has supported you!' Deku thought to himself making it past the 3rd obstacle


They both made it to them mine field as Deku was watching his footing but Bakugo land next to him and started attacking him while they were running

"Kachan calm down!"
"Todorki is catching up don't you want to win!?"
They were both instantly froven in place by Todorki he then ran past them and they both broke out but Bakugo using his explosions not caring about Deku anymore.

"YOU REALLY THOUGHT YOU COULD WIN YOU ICY-HOT BASTARD!!"Bakugo yelled with so much anger in his voice

'I needa catch up to them but how...OH that's it I'll charge up 18%and use my fingers the would pressure should launch like how Kachan uses his explosions.'Deku thought with a huge smile on his face

Instantly they were passed by Deku and the wind pressure sending them even farther back there was no way to catch up once Deku made it pass the Mine field he charged 14% into his body and started making a sprint for it much to Bakugo's and Todorki's surprise.

"GET BACK HERE YOU USELESS NERD!!!" Bakugo yelled while chasing after him and passing Todorki.

"THE FIRST PERSON TO COME IN WILL BE THE WINNER WHO WILL IT BE...OUR WINNER IS IZUKU MIDORIYA" Present mike announced over the entercom much to everyone's surprise.

With Bakugo in 2nd place and Todorki in 3rd Bakugo was staring at Deku with all the hate in the world and Todorki just think to himself.

Time skip to were Todorki closed off the rest of the arena by using his ice. Except this time Kaminari's attack was bright enough to get rid of Dark shadow.

"Damn it thanks to all that light I won't be able to use Dark shadow it's all up to you now Midoriya"Tokoyami stated while everyone was freaking out but Midoriya was calm and focused.

"It'll all be okay if I keep my quirk activated then my mobility will be to good for them to get the headband but we should still keep our distance and make sure to stay on their left side"Deku said with confidence in his voice but inside he was freaking out he was only calm so that way his team wouldn't worry.

"Todorki I'm gonna do something but I'm afraid I'll be useless afterword just make sure to get the headband"Ilda said while activating his Recipro burst.

Todorki was able to get the headband but Ilda's engines were stalled.

"We have to go after them and get it back we don't know who was the other headbands" Deku said while chasing after team Todorki.

Whenever they got close Todorki used his fire but Deku swiped it away and the wind pressure put it out and Deku reached and grabbed all of the headbands on Todorki neck instead of just grabbing one.

"We got it!!!" Deku exclaimed with so much happiness and excitement.

"We have to get those back now!" Todorki yelled with anger in him over loosing the headbands and using his fire.

"Who has the headbands? OI DEKU GET OVER YOU USLESS NERDDDD!!!" Bakugo said while using his explosions to rush in on Deku.

"Get ready everyone there coming!" Deku said while charging up Full Cowling.

"TIMES UPPP THE CALVARY BATTLE IS OFFICIALLY OVER!!!" Present mike yelled while the crowd was cheering.

"DANMMMM ITTT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE UNDENIABLE CHAMPIONSSS!!!" Bakugo yelled after facing planting and now sitting on the floor.

"We did it!!! Thank you guys so much for being on my team I couldn't have done it without you"Deku exclaimed while hopping up and down.

"In First Place We Have TEAM MIDORIYA!!!
In Second Place We Have TEAM BAKUGO!!!
In Third Place We Have TEAM SHINSO!!!
And In Fourth Place We Have TEAM TODORKI!!!" Present Mike annouced to the audience and students.

I think I'll leave it there for right now next one will cover the either the full Tournament of half of it and also should I make a new line up because the teams were in different place or should I just keep the original one?ANYWAYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS ONE TOOK ME A LITTLE LONGER BECAUSE I WAS BUSY THE NEXT WILL BE OUT FOR SURE BY TOMORROW THO SO THANK YOU SO MUCH AND ILL SEE YOU NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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