Chapter 13: Meeting the Yaoyorozus/Telling Momo About One For All/Lemon

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*Well let's just start this one right where we left off because like why not it should be interesting! Also sorry for it taking so long to write. The lemon took a pretty long time to write because I constantly rewrote it.*

3rd Person P.O.V.

"H-Hey M-Momo so I just looked out the window sooo... h-how are we going to get passed all of the news reporters?" Izuku asked as they were about to leave the hospital.

"Well umm I could call my driver and then all we have to do is get past the crowd and in the car. Instead of walking to my house and then being followed. Oh wait he's already here so now it's just the matter of the crowd." Momo stated as they were getting ready to leave until Izuku got an idea.

"Wait Babe why don't you just make us like a little disguise by using your quirk?" Izuku questioned forgetting about what babe meant.

"Awww your starting to call me babe?!" Momo squealed excitingly as she started to squeeze the life out of Izuku.

"Momo... can't...... breath!" Izuku screemed through his bone crushing hug.

"Oh sorry baby. I just got so excited! You make me feel so happy all of the time and I'm so happy your okay! Now I'm not letting go I'm staying attached to you!" Momo said excitingly as she started to hug his arm tightly.

"Umm okay I guess but you might wanna stop by the time we get to your house. Honestly though they'll probably realize it's me either way so let's just go outside in our school uniforms and deal with them then." Izuku says as they were about to walk out the front doors.

"Hey Momo what are you doing? Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Babe? Baby? H-" Izuku cut off by Momo jumping him and locking him in with her legs.

"You called me baby so now your going to carry me like I'm one." Momo said as Izuku started to walk out of the hospital and instantly gets swarmed by reporters.

"I FEEL LIKE WHAT YOU DID WAS GREAT!" All the reporters yelled while taking pictures until Izuku activated 20% Full Cowling and made them all stop.

"Okay I'm just going to say one thing. I am Izuku Midoriya but I'm only going to answer one question because I have to go meet my girlfriends parents for the first time so wish me luck😅. Now you can only ask one question and I'll be sure to answer to the best of my ability so you all have to agree and then ask me in a civilized manner please." Izuku tells all the reporters which surprisingly worked and they all started mumbling to themselves while Izuku put Momo down.

"I'm part of one of the richest families in all of Japan and we have never been able to calm the media like that. How'd you do that?" Momo asked as she snuggles up on Izuku's arm.

"I gave them an ultimatum that they couldn't pass up. Only ask one civilized question or I leave and don't answer any of them. Honestly I'm really surprised that it worked." Izuku said as one reporter stepped forward and gave him the microphone and someone pointed a camera at him.

"So we decided on our one question. Why did you decide to fight that villain and do you think that what you did was right?" The news reporter asked as pretty much everyone who saw the fight were watching including the all of U.A. and Momo's mother.

"That's two questions... but oh well I'll answer them. The reason that I did what I did was because ever since I was a little kid I admired All Might I used to watch this one video of All Might saving 100 people in just ten minutes. I always wanted to be able to do that also that's why I also fought the hero killer. So whenever I saw All Might about to die I knew that I couldn't just sit there so I made the choice to go and save him. Ever since I got to U.A. All Might has seen me as what he considered a worthy successor he said I had the heart of a true hero so he decided to train me. He even became father figure I never had in my life so I just refused to let him or anyone else die. I can't just watch someone die even if some people say that they deserve it. Most hero's nowaday either became a hero for the fame or the money but honestly at this point in my life I don't just wanna save the innocents. I wanna save the villains too... from themselves. I want to save their hearts because we don't know what they've been through and I never want to believe that some people are to far away from saving but unfortunately some may be. Me personally I didn't develop my quirk until very late in my life so I was always bullied by everyone besides my mom even the teachers never cared enough to stop it. I could've very easily have either killed myself or became a villain but all I wanted to do was become a hero that not just saves the innocent but also save the corrupted. I know that we're only human so there's always going to be people that we won't be able to save because no one is perfect. But I promise to save everyone that I can and I won't give up until I save everyone that I possibly can and I'll make sure not to only save their bodies but I'll save their hearts. Also I'm not to sure what I did was completely right but I did what I believe is right and I don't regret it one bit. Also if your some villain out there watching this just know we're about to get our provisional hero licenses. So you better be ready to handle the new generation of hero's. I hope that answered your questions and if your watching this please stay safe and I wish you luck in your dreams and just know that... I believe in you!" Izuku says enthusiastically into the camera while giving a thumbs up and that amazing smile.

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