A talk about your quirk and a new relationship

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*In this chapter I'm going to mainly focus on Bakugo finding out about OFA and Izuku and Momo so I hope you enjoy!*

Deku's POV

*After everyone saw each other's room they all decided to stay inside the common rooms when Todorki was about to leave tho I asked Kachan something. He's been watching me ever since the Sports Festival so I guess he still knows there's something between me and All Mighht so he decided to stay up.*

"Hey Kachan I really need your help with something so do you mind?" I asked Kachan making everyone go quiet.

"What do you want nerd?" Kachan asked me and I was shaking to ask him.

"Can you come outside with me it's like kinda private?" Kachan was now curious so he walked outside and I followed him.

*Everyone was confusedso they all went to look out the window but they couldn't hear us*

"So Kachan about what you said back at the Sports Festival. Do you really think that M-Momo and U-Uraraka l-like m-m-me?" I asked with a blush on my face and stuttering which I was mostly able to stop.

"Oh so that's what you wanted to talk about. But to answer your question yes I really do think that they both like you. You need to decide one of them or neither because it'll distract you to much, to think about it all the time, so hurry and make your decision. Also there starting to hate each other you may not have able to see it but to everyone else it was as clear as day." Kachan told me so I reflected on everything that had happened between me and Momo also me and me and Uraraka after that I realized he was right.

"Thank you Kachan but I don't know what to do. I'm not good at relationships or love so I'm very uncertain of what to do. But let's go back inside before they think something is seriously wrong." I was really starting to think about this but I have to admit I never really thought of Uraraka like that but I have for Momo so what does that mean?

*Everyone was looking at us when we walked back in .*

"Soooo either of you wanna tell us what happened out there!?." Mina sounded very excited but I didn't know what to say so I just shook my head and Kachan smirked.

"The damn nerd just had some questions for me but IT DOESN'T CONSERN ANY OF YOU EXTRAS!" Kachan shouted at everyone which shocked me so everyone knew they wouldn't get anything out of him so they looked to me and I just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Deku come back outside we need to talk again this time I have some questions for you and your going to answer all of them!" Kachan basically dragged me outside while I was just staring at everyone and waving at them.

"So Kachan what do you want to talk about?" I asked him and he just stood there looking at me with a black face.

"First of all you need to learn how to lie so when we go in there just say it was something about my mom if you say that they should leave you alone." Kachan told me, he seemed angry but also really calm and I just shook my head.

"Secondly this one is more important tho. Back at the USJ when All Might fought that Nomu monster thing. We all felt All Mights power that day but I realized it felt kinda like yours actually it felt almost exactly the same. But when we fought in the Sports Festival I felt it again this time I paid more attention to it and I realized it felt even more like All Might's power I was confused and then I remembered what you told me after our first fight. You told me that someone gave you your quirk and then I remembered what that guy with hands on his face said and even All Might admitted he said that he could've beat that Nomu thing in only a few hits but that time it took him more than 300 hits so he's getting weaker. Also the Nomu was able to have multiple quirks and it all ties back to what you told me and then I figured it out. All Might gave you his quirk didn't he?" Kachan had figured it out but I didn't know what to say at all I just stood there.

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