The Day And Date With Momo

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*I feel like the last one was like the best one so it's hard to beat it but I'll try so let's start where we left off also I'm making a new one story it's an Izuocha one so go check it out if you want I'll upload the next part tomorrow btw!*

Deku's POV

*I slowly woke up and looked at an alarm clock it was 8:26 a.m. then I realized my chest was heavier so I look down to see MOMO???!!!*

'Okay I-Izuku calm down its all f-fine your just sleeping with your c-crush wait no you sleeping with your g-g-girlfriend!!!' I thought to myself with a smile on my face when i realized it wasn't a dream.

'Just don't move even tho you really have to pee just don't it's all fine. Wait d-don't tell m-me! O-O-Oh no I have m-m-m-m-morning w-w-w-wood and its p-poking her!!! What is she g-g-going to think?!?! This is so b-b-bad!!!!!!' I thought but then I started shaking and she started movie around so I calmed down but it was to late she has woken up.

Momo's POV

*I felt something vibrate and I thought it was my phone so I opened my eyes but for some reason it look like a chest?' Momo thought and then she realized.

"G-G-Goodmorni-i-ing M-M-Momo." Izuku stutter and I was blushing so hard then he hugged me a little tighter and it felt...... good like comforting.

"G-G-Goodmorning I-Izuku!" I responded to him as I hugged him tighter and pushed my face even deeper into his chest he was just so warn and it felt so nice it made me feel safe!

'I feel so safe while I'm hugging him good thing we still don't have school for another like 4 days. I hope everyday is like this!!!!' I was in deep thinking about how nice this is.

"H-H-How did y-you s-s-sleep M-Momo?" Izuku asked me but his stutter was so cute I could tell he was nervous so I wanted to make this feel normal for him.

"I slept amazingly! I hope we can do this every night if you don't mind though but Izuku you don't have to be nervous this is amazing! How did you sleep though my Izuku?" When I said that I could feel him heat up but he calmed down and relaxed a bit.

"I-I slept amazingly especially because I'm with y-you! I would also like to do this e-every n-n-night and I'll try to be not so n-nervous?" I could feel him tense up but also loosen up it was so cute but he did get a lot better.

"Oh Izuku you sweet talker you! Also we should definitely sleep like this every night but common we need to get some thing to eat." I told him as I tried to get up but his grip tighten it did feel really nice tho.

"No please just 5 or 10 m-more minutes this is just a-amazing." When he told me that I couldn't help but blush so I just nodded and went back to sleep while laying on his chest I felt so amazing.

Deku's POV

'What's that noise? Oh no it's the door someone is trying to open the door do I answer it or not? It's already 9:50?!?!?!' I was thinking to myself as I freaked out so bad so I slowly shook Momo trying to wake up her.

"Momo there's some one at your door what do we do!?!!?" I whispered yelled at her and surprisingly I didn't stutter at all so she just looked at me with a smile.

"What do you mean what should we do Izuku? Just go answer the door they already know we're dating. But put a shirt on no one else needs to see you like that besides me!" When she said that last part I got extremely scared so I got up and put on my All M shirt and answered the door to see Mina and Jiro.

"Hi guys what's up?" I asked them while rubbing the back of my head. They just stared at me clearing seeing I just woke up.

It All Started As Just.... A Checkup~ (Discontinued/Up For Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now