Chapter 14: Embarrassing situations/ATalk With A Long Lost Father

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*Okay sorry this chapter is kinda short and also sorry it took so long I am currently moving into a new place so I've been kinda busy. But the next chapter should be out December 14th because I'm going to start a new book. It's going to be Saiyan Deku!*

*Okay so let's start this one the day after the last chapter and it is currently 9:43 a.m. and a lot of the people in the dorms are up. Especially one certain pink skinned girl who has been telling everyone what she had heard last night. While Izuku and Momo are just waking up.*

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Hmm?" Izuku wonders as he looks around then notices that him and Momo are both naked snuggled up to each other.

'WHY AM I NAKED!? WHY IS SHE NAKED!? WHY ARE HER LEGS SO NICE!? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!? DID I DO SOMETHING!? DID WE DO SOMETHING!? WHAT IS GOI-.... ohhh yea now I remember....' "Fuckkkkk!" Izuku screems as he remembers that the condom broke last night.

"Hmm?" Momo wonders as she just woke up from yelling then realizes there both naked.

'OH WAIT WHAT'S GOING ON!? WHY IS HE NAKED!? WHY AM I NAKED!? WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I CANT MOVE MY LEGS!? DID HE R-RAPE ME!? NO NO NO IZU WOULD NEVER DO THAT! WH- Oh oh yea now I remember.' Momo thinks as she remembers what happened at the ending of last night.

"I-I-I'm g-gonna l-l-look up h-how to m-make a pill. A-Also g-get dressed.Good thing we both agreed on that otherwise your father would've killed me." Izuku stated as he sweatdropped thinking of what her father would do.

"Yea but..... maybe one day we could?" Momo mumbles not sure if Izuku would want kids or not.

"Did you say something baby? Are you okay? Is something wrong!?" Izuku asked as he pulls up his shorts and lays back down. Momo instantly brightens up with a huge smile and starts snuggling up to him.

"No nothing! Everything.... is absolutely perfect. Definitely better than I have ever been. You make me so happy Zuzu and I honestly wish we could just lay here and cuddle all day! But you have to train with All Might and Bakugo today." Momo says as she holds Izuku tightly never wanting to let go not even for a second. Not even carrying that she's still naked while Izuku is freaking out.

"Yea I wish I could stay like this all week. But I have to get as strong as possible to make sure that I can protect everyone. So that means trading as soon as possi-" Izuku gets cut off by Momo glaring at him harshly.

"NO! Your still injured there's no reason why you should be training right now! If anyone wants to disagree with me then they can come and see me about that!" Momo yells while glaring at Izuku making him shiver in his spine.

'Mood change and switch opinions really fast.' "B-But Momo I have to. *Sees Momo glaring at him* I guess it could be very light training? *Still glaring at him* I guess I could take the day off of training?" Izuku asked shakilying from Momo's glares as Momo smiles brightly again.

"Perfect now let's go back to bed." Momo states as she try's to go back to sleep.

"Momo we've been sleeping in to much lately. I won't train but common we have to get up and at least make breakfast." Izuku says as he jumps out of bed and starts looking for his short.

"Fine but today I have you all to myself! Got it!?" Momo threatens with a sweet looking smile.

"Y-Yea lets just see what All Might says. He is the 8th user after all so he's kinda like my sensei and I'm his student. So let's just see what he says." Izuku nervously states scared of what Momo's response will be.

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