Chapter 11: One For All vs All For One

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*Lets start this one off when they make it on to the train to head towards Kamino Ward. Also since Deku got One For All earlier in this story All Might is a lot weaker he can only hold the form for 30 minutes and that's with just using One For All 50%.*

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Guys are you sure that you want to do this? We could always turn back right now and leave it to the pros." Todorki tells the group and everyone except Kirishima and Deku agreed.

"Listen if one of you don't want to go then all of you stay back. But no matter what happens I'm going to save Kachan." Deku states then goes back to thinking of how to fight All For One.

"Midoriya we understand that he's your childhood friend and all but still your being really stubborn. There's something that your still not telling us that's why you said goodbye and that you love everyone in our class right?" Ilda questioned Deku while he was trying to come up with an excuse.

"I just have a really bad feeling that's why I feel like you guys shouldn't be here. Honestly it would be better if all of you left right now just to be safe." Deku says while trying to stay calm knowing that he was going to ditch everyone when the time was right.

"Izu we're not leaving you. No matter what happens your not doing this alone it's to dangerous for you to do it alone. It's The League of Villains after all. You can't beat them all by yourself." Momo tells Deku while grabbing his hand waiting for any type of response.

"Listen... I have a theory about the leader of The League of Villains. Listen whenever I first got my quirk I was walking home and there was this guy. He was with Shigaraki they were in some alleyway and I saw this guy in a black suit he stole someone's quirk. I tried to stop them and the guy tried to take my quirk but he couldn't for some reason. I believe he's the leader of The League of Villains so if he's there he could take your quirks and then you guys will be quirkless. Then you might have to leave UA so that's why I think you shouldn't be here." Deku explained to them making sure to leave out anything about One For All and All Might.

"Why didn't you ever say anything? Plus it's just a theory there's no other proof than the fact that you saw him with Shigaraki." Kirishima told Deku clearly confused on his theory that had very little detail to back it up.

"That's not it... the Nomu's they had mutiple quirks so he might be able to steal and give quirks so that backs up my theory. I told All Might about this and he seemed very worried like... he was scared that I was right so that's why you guys shouldn't be here. You need to leave! I'll be fine.... trust me." Deku tells them hoping they'll listen to him about this and just leave.

"Izu I told you I'm not leaving you. The more of us that there are the better of a chance to save Bakugo and leave." Momo told him and Deku hesitatily agreed but he already had a different plan in mind.

"Okay fine let's save Kachan together!" Deku told them while pumping his fists into the air.

*Timeskip to when All For One teleported The League of Villains and Bakugo infront of them.*

'I can go get him right now! I could reach him in about a second but what after that? But what about them!? I need to come up with a plan to get everyone out of here! But how!?' Deku thought to himself as All Might came flying through the air clashing his fist with All For One.

"I've come to return my student. ALL FOR ONE!" All Might shouts as he struggles to push against All For One.

"Have you come to kill me a second time? ALL MIGHT!" All For One yells back at All Might then easily pushing him back sending him through mutiple buildings.

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