3~Buckbeak ~

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The rest of the term went by quite quickly after that night.Amelia was friends with the golden trio and the prisoner that escaped from Azkaban was still at large,but she liked the adventure of it all,the dementors ,the mystery everything was much more interesting here at hogwarts.Draco and harry had a lot of fights.One of the funniest moments this term was Buckbeak.They were in care of magical creatures class when Hagrid had brought Buckbeak to the show.Draco was apparently "nearly killed" by hagrids "chicken" as his father explained it to the ministry of magic. Buckbeak was sentenced to death!


The beautiful creature stood in front of us all,everyone's eyes on it made me forget what had just happened.Only moments before Draco malfoy had once again insulted Harry. Honestly couldn't he just leave Harry alone. Harry's issues with the dementors gave Draco malfoy a million more reasons to make fun of harry. "Dementor...Dementor" he shouted and then laughed as Harry's eyes filled with fear.Poor Harry...But all I could think about in that moment was this magical creature standing infront of us...Hagrid asked harry to try and earn The creatures respect...Buckbeak was its name...Harry successfully managed to get a ride on its back...oh what I would've given...once Harry had landed Malfoy thought it would be so easy and didn't even try to earn Buckbeaks respect,Buckbeak obviously got angry and shoved off malfoy "It's killed meh... It's killed meh" the fool shouted.Suddenly Hagrid told Buckbeak to leave and carried stupid Malfoy to the hospital wing.Of course "his father" was going to hear about this. I've only been here a few months and even I know that's about the only words that come out of Malfoy's mouth.

After a few weeks when Hagrid returned we went to visit him "Buckbeak was sentenced to death" As the words left Hagrid's mouth I could feel my heart started to ache how could such a beautiful creature be killed,all because of Malfoy.

"Your pathetic!" I yelled right into malfoy's face.After our little visit at Hagrid's I couldn't help myself but ran to the dungeons and to just yell at him. "That's probably the most beautiful creature I have ever seen and now it has to be killed all because little Draco Malfoy got hurt!"I yelled as I felt tears about to roll down my face "Listen mudblood,That thing almost killed me!" He said.Tears almost started to stream down my face "All you care about is yourself,you didn't pay respect to Buckbeak and you know that" I just walked off.I couldn't bare to look at his face anymore.


As she walked up to me yelling that I was pathetic I knew I had done something.County may have been a slytherin but I told myself to not pay attention to her ,ever,as she said the words "all because little draco malfoy got hurt" I felt anger rising,I was not little,she was just a mudblood "Listen mudblood,that thing almost killed me!"  "All you care about is yourself..." She said and walked away.I did not only care about myself,I cared about my mother and... I had no one elses name to think of...I always resented my father...all he could talk about was potter and he didn't give me any choices...but had I just became my father...a pureblood resenting mudbloods who doesn't care about anything or anyone...As I watched her walk away I wanted to scream and say I was sorry but something stopped me...It wasn't even my fault...Mg father heard I was in the hospital wing,he asked me what happened and I told him the creature attacked me...wich was true...I didn't tell him I was the cause if this...but I never expected him to go to tbe ministry and ask for the creature to be executed.

Draco malfoy wanted someone to care about.But who...it couldn't be Amelia...his father would never aprove...but maybe he could have some fun with someone else


I saw Malfoy coming out of Pansy's room the next morning.He looked like he had an interesting night...uggh...how could he,after I yelled at him he chooses to go find himself a little girlfriend...pathetic.

"Hand in hand they walked to the slytherin table,I tell you he is pathetic"I say to ron,harry and hermione. "I honestly think those two actually fit well together...both are evil as can come" Ron says and makes us all chuckle a little.I was mad...but why...I didn't care about draco malfoy...why would I care who he dates?

Kissing in the common room, seeing them together everywhere I go...uggh it was irretating...And worst of all Draco seemed to make Pansy think she could now look at me again like I was a thilthy thing...maybe I should prank her again...

A/n: hi to the 2 people that read my story lol,if you have any advice please comment,Anyway hope you have a wonderful day,thanks for reading my story...

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