24~Firewhisky and it's danger's~

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On our way to Slughorn's Christmas party we passed someone sitting all alone,I turned my head to see who it was.Draco.He was sitting there staring at the floor,and then he looked up and saw me looking at him while I was walking ,I turned my head to the front.


Sitting here all the students passed me,on their way to Slughorn's Christmas party.I wasn't invited because I had not been doing so good in potions lately,I was usually very good at it,but I had other,bigger things to focus on this year.I heard another pare of people coming by, I looked up and of course I looked straight into her eyes,her beautiful green eyes.She turned to face forward but I couldn't stop looking at her,how did she manage to look so beautiful everytime I saw her.Her beautiful black dress,her blonde hair,her legs,Oh gosh her fucking beautiful  legs.She would've looked even more beautiful walking next to me into that Christmas party,although how could someone who is perfect look even more beautiful.My point is corner didn't deserve taking her into that party...


I couldn't help but notice that draco wore a black suit, oh how handsome he looked,was he coming to the Christmas party?We then entered the party, "Hey Harry" "Gosh damnit Amelia you look gorgeous " "Thanks harry,did you bring Ginny to the ball" I winked at him,he knew we had no hard feelings "uhm,no...she's still with dean" "she's still with him" I gasp "Yeah,I brought Luna with me"just then Neville walked up to us with a tray full of drinks in his hands "drink?" "Neville!" Me and harry say in unison "I didn't get into the slug club,it's okay though" "Oh dear Neville if I knew you weren't invited I would've asked you to come with me but no thank for the drink offer tho"I say "Oh no it's fine Amelia,honestly,anyway I've got to go,these drinks ain't handing out themselves" "Good luck Neville" I say softly

"What the hell is hermione doing?" Harry asks and points to her hiding at the back of some curtains"I don't know,let's go find out"

"Hermione what are you doing?" I ask "what happened to you?"harry asks "I've just escaped,I mean,left Cormac under the mistletoe""that's who you invited "harry says "I thought it would annoy Ron the most" oh my goodness she was head over heals in love with Ron and he was fooling around with Lavender."Goodluck Hermione but currently I'm leaving the person who actually did me a favour coming with me, all alone at the party so you two will have to excuse me" "Okay Amelia see you later" Hermione says still clearly flustered about her situation with Cormac.

"Here you are" Michael says "Yeah sorr-" I get interupted by Filch dragging Malfoy into the party "take your hands off me you filthy squib" malfoy says clearly annoyed by Filch "Professor Slughron sir,I just discovered this boy,trying to get into this party,claiming he was invited" "okay okat I was gate crashing !Happy!" Malfoy admits "I'll escort him out "snape says and took Malfoy out ,after a few minutes I realise I'd rather be at Sophia's party than here "Hey Michael so uhm,Sophia is having her birthday party tonight and" "you think it's gonna be more fun than this" "yeah,You can come if you want or stay here" "If you can get me in I would most certainly like to go with you" "Come on Corner let's go get some firewhisky into our systems" "Agreed",we make our way to the dungeons and can hear the music blasting,damn I was excited to party,I say the password and Let michael go in and then I go in. "AMELIA YOU MADE IT!" sophia yells over the loud music "YEAH SOPH NOW SHOW ME WHERE THE DRINKS ARE PLEASE!" I yell as well .The glasses start flowing and the drinks start going down my throat,I was getting drunk tonight that was for sure.I was dancing and having the time of my life when suddenly drunk me had the urge to leave the dungeons and walk through the corridors,I don't know why,but its not like I was sober enough to stop myself so off I went.


After walking through the corridors to try and calm myself down after my and Snapes little talk, I see a familiar blonde walking through the corridors as well, accept she has a glass in her hand and is walking very clumsy. Just then I hear professors coming,if they find her like this,drunk and not at Slughorn's party,they will give her detention. I grab her by her waist and show her to keep quiet,she does as I say and I hold her against the wall.Once I hear the professors are gone I let her go slowly "Ghee thanks Malfoy,I would've definitely been caught right now" she says clearly drunk as fuck "Are you drunk?" "Maybe..." "come on you need to go back to your dorm" "No!" "Come on" "No please I don't want to go back,anywhere but back there with the loud music and Corner staring at me the entire time" so she was irritated in Corner"Ahh Sophia's party got you all fucked up like this" "Yes sir" "Okay come on,you can't walk through the corridors like this You have to go somewhere where no one can find you or will be looking for you" "The Astronomy tower" "No way that's high up" "Then come with me..." "Aggh fine County" honestly she looked so fucking beautiful tonight I don't mind looking after her.I take her up to the astronomy tower and she keeps on holding onto my arm or something while we walk up the stairs,and I love it!We sit down "Thanks Malfoy" she says out of nowhere "for what" "Always looking out for me in some way" "what do you mean?" "When Umbridge and filch were giving out detentions and I was out late that one night and you helped me not get caught" "Oh yeah,I forgot about that" I didn't forget, I remember that night,her beautiful soft hands,I remember everything "You're different this year" "No I'm not" "Yeah you are,your not as mean and you are like really quiet " I just stay silent "You look really tired,what's  up with you" "Nothing" "oh come on,I'm drunk,I'm probably not even gonna remember this conversation tommorow" "I just have to do something I don't really have a choice over" I say hesitantly "Oh yeah I know what you mean,I have to fucking stay here for Christmas even tho I miss my mom and dad alot and I don't have a choice!" She says all goofy,I chuckle,did I really think she was gonna give good advice.She shivers from the cold air "Oh just sit closer loser" I say and she scoots over against me "do you want my jacket?" "Uhm No its fine,I really wanna dance tho" "Dance?" "Yeah come on malfoy,use some spell or something and get us a radio and put some music on" I laugh but does as she says, she stands up and puts her hand out "come on,dance with me" she says mockingly, I chuckle as a song comes up,she dances goofily and makes me twirl her around and we are laughing so hard right now ,I dip her and she even fucking makes me twirl around and then she just laughs,aggh I love her laugh.

And then the songs over and another song comes on,a slower song and I take her hand and put my other hand on her lower back,she puts her hands around my neck and I shift both my hands to hold her tiny waist and she is just staring at me "What"I ask her with a smile still on my face from our goofy dance session "Kiss me Draco..." as she says that I just wanted to lean in and kiss her but luckily my common sense stops me"What" "Oh come on it's not like you've had trouble doing that before" I look down at the ground,as my cheecks are red "that was different" "How was that different " "well for starters you weren't drunk" she just looks into my eyes and then she stops dancing,she takes her one hand and strokes the back of my neck with her thumb while her arms are still wrapped around my neck and my hands still on her waist "You like that don't you Draco" "Don't say my name" "Why not Draco" "stop it" "No" "Amelia come on,don't be like this" "Draco kiss me!"

A/n:lol this was one of the ideas I had for the book since I started writing it,and I don't know if it turned out as majical as I imagined it to be but needless to say I love this chapter and the way it's left on a cliff hanger.

Anyway hope you vote and comment and stuff.

Hope you have a wonderful day

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