4~Let's save the day~

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It was the day Buckbeak was set to be executed. As Amelia,Ron,Harry and Hermione went down to hagrid they got an unpleasant greeting by...


"Ahh come to see the show" Malfoy said laughing,I started to feel blood boil "You...You foul,loathsome,evil little cockroach!" Hermione yells walking towards Malfoy,her wand is right under his chin."Hermione No!He's not worth it"Ron says.Oh what I would've given to see malfoys face being scared for his life everyday...Me and Harry didn't mind Hermione doing something to malfoy,I still can't believe he is the reason buckbeak is being executed...After a few moments of silence Hermione slowly starts to lower her wand but just as she turns around Malfoy dares to laugh,then BOOM...I don't think I've ever been more grateful for Hermione than then...She smacked Malfoy right in the nose...Then He ran away of course...


As the words left my mouth and I saw County and Granger's faces I knew I was in trouble...Granger walks up to me and says a bunch of stuff and now her wand was right under my chin...Weasly luckily talked some sense into her but as she started to lower her wand I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that that Weasel actually helped me...but then I felt the pain in my nose...the bloody mudblood hit me...of course Amel- I mean County was very happy that Hermione did that...I couldn't stand the embarrassment...so I ran away...and I wil never run away like that again.

As Hermione,Amelia,Harry and Ron make their way to Hagrid's Amelia stops to admire the beautiful Buckbeak laying there...in chains and utterly helpless,Amelia knew she had to find a way to save Buckbeak


"but Hagrid isn't there a way that we can free Buckbeak" I ask,pleading that we do something "No Amelia,I'm afraid that the ministry will suspect you or me,and I can't put you in such danger"
Hagrid says...I can almost feel a tear coming and then we hear voices "It's the ministry"Harry says,suddenly a rock comes flying through the window braking a pot "You must get out of here"Hagrid says...We use the back door and Hide behind the pumpkins "What was tha- never mind I thought I saw..." Hermione says as she looks at the bushes behind us.We get to the top and then we hear the swish of The executers big axe...I go to the slytherin common room but halfway there I realised Pansy is just going to be there and I wasn't in the mood for her games...I decide to go up to the Astronomy tower


As I was sitting up at the Astronomy tower holding ice on my nose I hear footsteps.I try and hide behind something it's Amelia...She sits down and suddenly there is silence...she looks so tough all the time but there she sat and as I shifted to get another angle I could see a single lonely tear fall from her face...And there I stood hidden and realised if she knew I saw her cry she would probably hate me more...I mean who in their right mind pranks Pansy parkinson back,you got to be fierce as hell...And then as I saw her wipe the lonely tear off I give a few conivincing foot steps ,as if I was just entering the tower..."Uhm...hey,you okay?" I  whisper to her "Yeah,I'm fine...I'l go you can stay here" she says in a icy tone"No you don't have to go...can I sit with yo-" "No!" She interrupts me "It's all your fault" she says while her voice sounds shakey "I-I'm sorry,I didn't know the creature was going to be killed" I say " The creatures name is-I mean was  BUCKBEAK ! And it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen"she says and pauses "And now it's gone,all because of you,and you even mocked us by calling its execution a SHOW" she says angrily "I'm sorry..." I say but I don't think,she think I means it"Sorry isn't gonna bring Buckbeak back is it" she says and leaves.Her Blonde locks waving by my face...

I thought the creature was beautiful to,I didn't mean for it to be killed...I didn't mean to call it a show..

All those things I wanted to say but couldn't...


"Amelia!The prisoner of Azkaban is Harry's godfather,it was Ron's Rat who is the culprit"Hermione says when I visit her in the hospital wing ,Woah that's a lot to take in,Then Dumbledore enters he talks to Hermione and Harry as I sit next to Ron laying on the bed...All I could think about was my encounter with Malfoy,he really did seem sorry...but NO...he practically killed buckbeak and I will never forgive him for that and then Harry and Hermione returned into the room,they came in again...buf I thought they were standing in the room the whole time "Amelia...we saved Sirius and Buckbeak!" Harry says "You saved Buckbeak!But how?" I say still shocked...Hermione shows me her necklace...Dumbledore gave it to her to be able to attend all her classes,I caught her one time taking the necklace out and asked her about it...It travels back in time...BUCKBEAK WAS SAVED..."where is Buckbeak?" I ask "Well Sirius needed Buckbeak to escape"Hermione says "Oh" is all I can get out...So Buckbeak wasn't dead...Thank goodness

As harry gets a present and flies off with his new broomstick everyone is going back home...Amelia's first year at hogwarts was definently interesting to say the least.As they board the train leaving hogwarts she realise that she's actually going to miss this place...And her new made friends too...she just hopes harry doesn't get in touble at his aunt and uncle's house again

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