7~The yule ball~

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"I don't know Ron I'm sorry" I say ,just then malfoy and pansy walk in,pansy has a pink dress on...it's a beautiful dress but it doesn't quite fit her well It's a little to small "He's here with her?" Michael asks "Of course he is,their dating aren't they"I say "But he was the on- never mind, I just didn't think malfoy would come with her" he says "I expected it" i say ,then it's time for the champions to come in "She's here with him!" I hear ron say angrily next to me and then I see Hermione in the prettiest blue dress coming in locked arms with Krum "Why him!" Ron says again"Ron calm down,everyone's staring" I say "Oh I don't think they're staring af him" Michael says ,I look behind me but I see nothing "Amelia they're all still staring at you,You look gorgeous " Michael whispers "Thanks"is all I say...I run to Hermione "Hermione look at you!Your beautiful!" I yell "Oh my goodness Amelia!You are the prettiest girl here!" She says but I just laugh and can't help but blush a little"So you and krum" Ron says annoyed coming up  behind me "Yes" Hermione says confidently "everyone is staring at you" Hermione whispers "Including malfoy for some reason" she adds "Malfoy...Why would he be-he's probably thinking of another insulting thing that he's going to say to me later" I chuckle "Turn around...that's not just a look that's a stare" she whispers "he can't take his eyes off you" I turn around and my eyes meet his but he doesn't look away he keeps on staring ,I don't know if I should smile or give him a confused look,I choose to glance him a small smile but he then looks away "No I don't think so" I say when I turn back to Hermione

After a few hours the night still feels young ,my feet are sore from dancing,alot of boys asked me to dance...cedric danced by far the best though ,as I was dancing with cedric for  another time we start talking "How is cho?" I ask "She's really great...I've come to really like her" he says "bit she wasn't my first choice though " he adds "really,who was?" I ask " Well I wanted to ask you but then malfoy came telling everyone you already had a date and that nobody should ask you" I stop in my tracks "Malfoy said that!" "Yes...i  tought you were coming with him...I was very surprised that he came here with pansy" he says "I never had a date...I actually had to ask Corner to be my date...And then he told me someone had told him I already had a date...but why would malfoy?" Just then I can see malfoy grabbing Michael !I storm towards them


"What the hell Corner,I told you she had a date!" I yell while grabbing him by his collar "She didn't have a date!You lied" Michael yells at me,just then County shows up " what's going on here malfoy,first you try to make sure no one asks me to the dance and now you try and beat up my date!Let go of him!"She yells I can't help but glance at her again she truly does look the most beautiful here "What was that about you making sure she didn't have a date!" Pansy asks coming up behind Amelia "I just wanted to embarrass the mudblood by making sure she showed up alone here but stupid Corner messed it all up !" I lie to everyone "What the hell malfoy,your an ass !" Cedric says behind Amelia "Oh come to save the day diggory" I try and smirk "You wouldn't of been able to embarrass her...everyone would've just admired her even if she came alone tonight she looks beautiful!" Michael says "Oh shut up Corner!" I yell "No,You tried to fucking ruin her night,I'm not gonna shut up!" He yells ,I can feel my fists clenching beside me but then my eyes catch Amelias,her beautiful green eyes "Uggh just leave it everyone,can't we just go on and enjoy the night please"she says while not breaking eye contact "I'm fine with that,is Malfoy capable of that" Corner says,everything in me wants to punch him but I didn't want to actually ruin Amelia's night,I just nod...I told all the guys to stay away from her because I knew no matter how hard I tried to be mean...If I was going to see her at that ball walking in there with someone, Jealousy would overcome me and I would end up doing something stupid like kiss her or something...everything was going smoothly until I saw Corner talking to her the other day...but I just ignored it...and then when I saw her walking in the common room I couldn't believe my eyes...she was practically flawless...and then when I saw pansy I really wished I could just stick my pride in my pockets and that I had just asked Amelia to be my date...and then when we walked in and I saw that Corner was her date my blood boiled...I couldn't take my eyes off her...and then she turned around ,she caught me for the second time staring but this time,in the beautiful light I couldn't look away and then she flashed the most beautiful smile I had ever seen and I realised that I can't fall for her I MUST NOT think of her,so I looked away...I tried ignoring my anger towards Corner but I couldn't and that's when I went up to him...I never meant to ruin her night...

Then Pansy came up to me"If you really wanted to ruin that mudbloods night You should've asked me for help...but don't worry I have a plan"I didn't want to go through with it but I knew if I had any chance of getting her out of my memory I had to go through with pansy's plan


Finally I was able to have fun again ,as I was dancing with hermione,krum,cedric ,cho and michael ,hermione suddenly said to me"Malfoy is staring at you...again" "hermione I told you what he said,he only told all the guys that so that he could ruin my night" I say "Oh come on,he probably only said that because pansy was there" something in me wondered if he actually looked at me than something other than just a mudblood,I was so sweaty by now and my haert was beating so fast...suddenly malfoy was not there staring at me anymore but instead he was dancing right beside me...suddenly he put one of his hands on my waist...

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