20~What are you up to~

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After potions class the day went on,Hermione didn't tell harry or ron who I described when smelling the amortentia potion and I just tried to avoid draco the rest of the day,he would probably tease me about the fact that I described him,Unfortunately I had some classes with him and that day I had Defence against the dark arts with him,and for the first time ever, Professor Snape.Non verbal spells.I had of course practiced them last year in DA meetings but to my classmates they were quite new,I had started to achieve it a little bit and my classmates couldn't understand why, I'm not going to lie,I loved seeing Draco's face,he was usually alot better than me in potions and Defense against the dark arts,so he looked very surprised.And he kept looking at me.He didn't tease me,nothing,what happened to the boy I knew these last years?


She was amazing, I didn't even try to attempt the spell anymore I just looked at her,she was mesmerizing!I stared at her in awe,she looked so beautiful,but I knew,I was trouble,I should stay away from her...


At the end of the day I decided to skip dinner and just go sit in the library,reading about potions and mer people and everything, suddenly I realised it was very late,of course the curfew wasn't so strict anymore so I didn't worry about it,I waltzed through the halls of hogwarts,and came to a stilstand before the entrance of the slytherin common room about 11 at night,once I had entered I went to sit infront of the fire,yes I was tired but I just didn't seem like going to bed,and suddenly a tired looking, blonder than ever Draco malfoy walked into the common room,His eyes met mine and he froze..."Why are you getting in so late?" I ask "Why are you up so late?" "I just came back from being in the library,what's your excuse?" "I was just walking through the corridors" "Your lying Drac-I mean Malfoy" "How would you know County" "I think I can tell when someone's lying Draco Malfoy" I say with a smirk on my face"You don't know anything Amelia County" he says jokingly "But really where were you" "None of your buisness " "Ohh two can play at that game" I stand up and walk towards the exit of the common room "Where are you going" "None of your buisness " "you'll get in trouble " "I don't care" "Oh come on,don't be stupid " "Oh don't worry I'm just going to go walk through the corridors " I say mocking the eords he said earlier "Go to your dorm room" "No,If your not going to tell me why you are out so late,and look like you haven't slept in days then why should I listen to you or tell you where I'm sneeking off to in the middle of the night" "I should've known" "Should've known what?" "Your going to Potter" "Maybe..." "Go back to your dorm" "Tell me what your up to" "No" "then I guess I'll see you Tommorow " I Say the password and exit the common room,I didn't think I was actually going to go anywhere but I had to prove a point to Draco but I couldn't understand why he didn't use his usual 'I'm your prefect' card on me...I litterally sat outside the common room for 40 minutes alone with my thoughts and then I decided I'm over it,I said the password and when I walked back into the common room Draco was sitting on the sofa,his eyes heavy but he looked deep in thought,like his brain was constantly spinning,and then he looked to see me "Finally you return from your boyfriend " "I wasn't with him" "Then where were you" "I told you,I'll give awnsers when you give awnsers" I walk towards the girls dormotories "Goodnight Malfoy,please stop thinking for a second and let those eyes fall shut" I enter the dorm and go to sleep.

I now had a plan and it all began the next morning,I wasn't going to be seen by draco,he had to think I was busy with something sneaky,So I told Sophia,she was the only one who wouldn't actually  care about this or be nosy,she would bring me back dinner and she would bring me breakfasts in the library,Luckily Harry was also busy with his own stuff with Dumbledore so he wasn't at half of the dinners so he wasn't suspicious,Ron and Hermione, I just told them I had this big thing planned for Sophia for her birthday party,that was half the truth because sophia did have a birtday party to plan,I just wasn'tthe person planning it.I would always make sure that Draco saw me once in a while and then I would head somewhere suspicious,sometimes he would follow me and then I would slip away into some unknown room.It was once again a late night,I had decided to just wait up at the astronomy tower until 12,I could look at the stars for hours,Literally no one came up to the astronomy tower,the only person other than myself I ever saw here was Draco malfoy,It was very high up so anyone with a fright for hights would also not make it up here,but the view was inpecable,I headed to the common room and as I was headed there Draco was just going to say the password when he heard my footsteps,he said the password and waited for me to go in before him"Ohh such a gentleman " I say and he just scoffed at that ,once inside the common room he asks me "County what are you up to?" "Malfoy what are you up to?" "I-I can't tell you " "why not?" "I just can't " "I can help you" "You can't " "Malfoy I think you should sleep more,you look ill" "I'm not ill,and I really think you should tell me what your up to,are you even eating?I never see you at dinner and your getting back the same time I am" "Malfoy I am perfectly healthy,and why do you even care" "why do you care what I'm up to" "Because...Because I don't know okay!I mean we literally kissed last year and now-" he interupted me then "Now your with Potter" "and your with Pansy" "I'm not with Pansy,she just follows me around " "Wait your not with pansy?" "I have more important things to worry about " "like what" "Goodnight, I'm tired " "You can't just leave me hanging like this malfoy" "Goodnight County" and then he's off to his dorm.Malfoy wasn't with pansy? Everything felt so unclear...

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