18~new beginnings and Jealousy~

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I had only arrived that night at the burrow,when I suddenly heard Ginny call from down stairs"Mum!!" "Ginny what is it?" Misses Weasly asks "I was only wondering when Harry got here?"
"What,Harry?Harry who?" "Harry potter of course" "I think I'd know if Harry potter was in my house,wouldn't I" "but his trunks in the kitchen,and his owl" "No dear I seriously doubt that" and then ron comes out and listens at the conversation as well "Harry?Did someone say harry?" He asks "Is he up there with you?" Ginny asks "Of course not,I think I'd know if my best friend was in my room wouldn't I?" He awnsers then hermione comes stand next to me,myself ,Hermione and Ginny shared a room "Is that an owl I heard?" She asks "You haven't seen him have you...apparently he's wandering about the house?" Ginny aks "Really?" Hermione says "Really?"ron asks aswell ,harry looks to her side "Harry!" And as she says that we all run down stairs,we all greet him,that night we sat and talked "So when did you teo get here?" Harry asks "I got here only today"I awnsered "A few days ago...tho for a while I wasn't shure If I was coming" hermione says "Mum...sort of lost it last week...said Ginny and I had no buisness going back to Hogwarts...it's too dangerous..." ron said "oh come on!" Harry says "She's not alone,even my parents and Amelia's parents and they're muggles know something bad is happening..." hermione says "anyway dad stepped in,told her she was being ridiculous...it took a few days but she came around"ron says "but this is hogwarts we're talking about...it's Dumbledore, what could be safer?" Harry asks "there's been alot of talk recently that Dumbledore's got a bit old" Hermione says cautiously "Rubbish!he's only...how old is he?"harry says"150 give or take a few years" ron says and we all chuckle that night after ron and Hermione went to our rooms me and harry sat there and I asked "do you want to go and look at the stars?" "Yeah shure why not" as me and Harry make our way slowly doen stairs we finally are lying on the grass inder the stars "Sirius light is still shinning you know"harry says looking up at the stars "Harry...his light will always shine" "Yeah I know" "Are you okay?" "Yeah,I just miss him...funny isn't it that I can miss someone so much that I've only known for a few years and have barely seen him" "He was the last family you had left,of course your going to miss him" "Thank you Amelia...I really don't know ehy they put youbin slytherin " "Yeah,I don't know either,I can be a bit sassy some times though " We both chuckle "Oh and you sure as hell stood up to those mean slytherins" "Yeah I guess" "I think it's time to go to bed" "yeah I think so too" as he stands up and takes my hand to help me up we're staring into each others eyes and suddenly he places a soft kiss on my lips "Goodnight Amelia" "Goodnight Harry"

Me and Harry grew closer over the next few days.One night he came into my room "Pstt Amelia,come outside with me" "okay harry "I got up and put on my slippers,its was about 1 am ,as we were chattung he suddenlytook my hands"Amelia,I really like you,and it would mean alot to me if uhm,you consideredgiving us a chance" "Harry Potter was thag you asking me to be more than just friends" "Yes...but please I cherish our friendship,so if we see things aren't working,we should stop it immediately" "I agree harry".Me and harry started holding hands in public and almost everyone knew we were an item...I really liked the way he was so kind...and then it was time to head to Hogwarts, on the Hogwarts Express I went to sit in a compartment with Ron,Harry and Hermione and of course they were discussing what all four of us had seen the other night at Borgin and Burkes.

"So what was Draco doing with that weird looking cabinet and who were all those people?Don't you see it was a seremony,an anitiation" "stop it harry,I know where your going with this. " Hermione says shaking her head at what he had just said "It's happened,he's one of them"Harry says "one of what?" Ron asks "Harry is under the impression Draco malfoy is now a death eater"Hermione says rolling her eyes "Your barking" Ron says and the conversation continues as I dose off sitting there "Hey guy's I'm quickly just going to greet Sophia,I'll see you when we all get off yeah" I say "I need some air as well" harry says and I see him grab something above him, as I make my way to Sophia I can't help but think that Malfoy will also be sitting there,we had a few heated moments just before the end of the last school year and now I hear he may be a death eater.But I had to forget about what happened in the classroom, me and Harry are together now.

As I entered the compartment where all the slytherins sat I saw Sophia thankfully "Did you hear she and Potter are a thing now" a girl says to one of the other girls,but clearly she didn't whisper,everyone was looking at me,including Malfoy ,I quickly walk over to Sophia "Hey Soph" "Hey Amelia" "How was your summer?" "Well clearly not as interesting as yours,hear you and Potter are a thing" "Yeah he's sweet and I don't know I like him alot" "Awwww" just then a weird powder filled the air after something like a small explosion happened "What was that!" Draco asked "Oh come on draco,come sit down we'll be at Hogwarts soon" Pansy says,uggh their probably back together now


I was mad to say the least,I was mad about so many things and one of them being Amelia and Potter."Hogwarts,what a pathetic excuse for a school " I say as I sit with Pansy and Blaise "I think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy tower if I think about having to continue for another 2 years " "what's that supposed to mean"Pansy asks "Let's just say I don't see myself wasting my time with charms class next hear" Blaise laughs at my words "Amused Blaise,we'll see just who's laughing in the end""sorry mate"blaise apologizes "Can you believe a slytherin is going out with Potter!" I say annoyed "Yeah I know,she's just using up air"Pansy says ,I can't help but look at Amelia who is chatting with her friend,I needed to forget about her for real this time,I had important duties this year,I wasn't going to waste my time being mean I was just going to avoid her...I just had to stop worrying about her and Potter...

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