11~The encounter~

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A few days have passed,Umbridge keeps on implying new more strict rules,classes are getting harder and we are set to write owls at the end of the year...I had alot of homework so I finished it in the library, after I was finished I went to read about defence against the dark arts,somehow the right book always found me,And I learned alot of new spells...I check the time only 5 minutes till curfew,it was atleats a 15 minute walk so I just hoped I wouldn't get caught...As I walk through the corridors and admire the halls of hogwarts I suddenly hear people talking...Umbridge...Suddenly someone grabs my hands and is holding his hand over my mouth and spins me around the corner,I can tell it's a he,way to strong to be a she,but it's quite dark and I don't know who he is,his chest against my back I can almost feel his haert pounding but it's not nearly as fast as my haert rate...with both my hands held behind my back and my mouth covered I can hear peoples voices getting closer they walk by and didn't see us,luckily after a few moments when the coast is clear and we don't hear people he turns me around to face him,he let's go of my hands and takes his hand slowly away from my mouth...Its Draco Malfoy


Where the hell is she...I thaught to myself as I sat in the common room half an hour before curfew was set to be...I knew she had probably had lost track of time in the library again,I was part of the inquisitorial squad, and knew umbrige hated it when students were out past curfew,I hurry to try and find her...finally there she walks admiring the corridors and then I hear footsteps and people when she is almost around the corner I grab her hands pull her close to me and place my hand over her mouth as gently as possible,Her hands are so very soft,I really wanted to trace my fingers all over her palms,spin her around and kiss her...what the hell draco...stop it...I say to myself finally Umbridge and Filch are gone and I turn her slowly around to face me,I don't want to let go of her soft hands but I have to "What the hell County,do you know what Umbridge will do if she finds you out past curfew!" I whisper but I sound really frustrated "Relax malfoy I thought you liked the way she punished people ?" She says ,I try to think of something "I don't want house points being deducted from slytherin just because you were out late" I say fast "aren't you out late as well?" She asks,and starts walking towards the direction of the common room "I was looking for you,I didn't want you getting caught" I say quickly cathing up to her "I don't need your help malfoy" she says while still walking"I would prefer you just pretend I don't exist,I wont get your precious house points deducted" she says...of course it was never about the house points..."Well I can't take that risk" i say and she chuckles a bit "Why are you laughing" I ask with an eyebrow raised "Oh nothing malfoy" she says and says the password to enter the common room "County,you said this wouldn't happen again" and as I say those words she stops in her tracks "Won't there be house points deducted if I get detention?" She asks "No not if a prefect of your house gives you detention" I awnser "I'm sorry" she says pleadingly "Sorry isn't gonna cut it this time county" I say "Then what will"she says and folds her arms "I need to ask you a few questions " I say and go over to the coach infront of the fire "Ok"she says very confused,she goes and sits on the armchair next to the fire "well go on then ask me what you want to know "she says "Well,let's see,what were you even reading about until this late" I ask "Defence against the dark arts spells" she awnsers "Why are you reading about those?"I ask with a raised eyebrow "Well,I want to know about the spells,I might not be able to do them with my wand but I do want to know about them" I'm stunned that she's actually awnsering my questions "Do you like potions?" I ask her "Well I'm not bad at it,but it doesn't really interest me " she awnsers "So you're good at potions" I ask again "Well I'm average,and you?" She asks "I'm pretty good " I awnser and she suddenly gives a small yawn and covers it politely with her hand and rubs her eyes "ok I'm done with my questions, don't be out late again" I say "Honestly malfoy I can't promise you that,but If I get caught I will tell Umbridge that I was studying for my Owl exams ,surely she will forgive me" she says "Aggh,okay county,just don't be stupid" I say "K malfoy" and then she's gone

I couldn't sleep that night,the thought of her soft beautiful hands in my head the entire night,the way her thin body was against mine...draco...I can't think of her in these ways...maybe she's right maybe I should just pretend she doesn't exist...that's imposible...but I do like it when I work her up...she's interesting...Pansy's boring...everyday the same...No quick new surprises...no fiesty tone...no adventure

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