12~DA meeting~

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"Amelia wait up!" I hear someone yell from behind me "Hello Harry" I say as I turn around "Why's malfoy looking at us?" He says and looks behind me,I turn around and see a look of disgust on Malfoy's face as he stares at me and Harry "I don't know" I say confused "Anyway,I need to ask you something" "Sure,anything "I awnser "Hermione wants everyone to come to Hog's Head this afternoon,she told me to invite you" "Oh okay,sure I'll be there" I say "See you later Amelia" he calls as he's already a few feet away ,I turn and walk towards potions class,on my way there he suddenly appears next to me "What did Potter say to you" he asks "Stop being so nosy malfoy" "Well it better not be something that's going to lose us house points" he says "Oh my Gosh malfoy,I told you I won't let us lose house points,now please just leave me alone" I say with a tiny bit of irretation in my voice,as I step into potions malfoy suddenly comes to sit behind me,He always sits right at the very back,why is he doing this today...I can't let him come close to me again,last night when I realised it was him who had held my hands and when he turned me around and we were in such close proximity I almost wanted to kiss him!But I can't, he needs to stay away from me,I can't let him make a fool out of me again...Snape starts talking and to my horror he says that today you have to pare up with the person behind you,and I was seated in the 3rd row so that meant I had to work with malfoy...

As snape explains what we have to do I start doing the things,suddenly malfoy says "Stop,your stirring it wrong" I turn to him looking confused "Here let me show you" he says and puts his hand over mine and makes a stiring motion,suddenly the potion is turning the right colour,he let's go of my hand "How did you know how to do that?" I ask him "Stop being so nosy County"he says with a smirk on his face,he corrects me everytime I'm doing something wrong,a few minuted before the end of the class Snape walks around checking the potions he tells everyone what they did wrong,when he comes to our brew he looks at us,looks at the brew and just nods "Well done county"he says and gives me a smirk "No,it was litterally all you" I say "Yeah your right" he says arogantly ,I just shake my head.

That afternoon I head to Hog's head,there are alot of people...After alot of arguing and discussing Dumbledore's  Army was formed...we were set to meet in the room of requirements because we couldn't risk Umbridge finding out...

After a few days,the meetings started ending later,I even found a faster way to reach the dungeons so that I wouldn't miss curfew,Malfoy didn't bother trying to catch me past curfew,because every time I would make it in time...Harry taught us alot but I also used the DA meetings to practice spells that I've been reading about I would also practice spells in my dorm room while Sophia and Millicent were sleeping,I had found a book in the Ilvermorny library...There were spells in...some I knew were dark magic but others were really hard to master...I tried practicing non verbal spells and harry taught us how to do a patronus spell,I've almost mastered the patronus spell...

Once Umbridge announced that clubs aren't allowed and that students can come do extra credit for the inquisitorial squad the DA meetings started later and also ended later...One night I slip in at 1am...I go sit on the sofa infront of the fire,suddenly I hear footsteps...I turn around and of Course it's malfoy "What are you doing here mudblood" he says and I am so mad at the fact that he just called me a mudblood I stand up and walk towards the girls dormotories "Not so fast,I asked you a quistion,awnser your prefect!" He says "I couldn't sleep asshole!" I awnser angrily "How dare you call me that" he says mad "You called me a mudblood now we're even" I say and try to walk away again "Stop!" He orders but I keep on walking "I'll give you detention!" I turn around "wouldn't you like that,you laughing while I right lines and them being carved into my skin!!" I yell,hoping I don't wake up the other slytherins "Oh how I would take the pleasure" he says and smirks "Uggh your imposible!" I say and finally he allows me to walk to my dormotories...

The next few days ,every time I see malfoy I just give him a dirty look,DA meetings are ending late very night...It was another night,I had finally perfected it,and produced a full patronus charm I was very happy,as I make my way to my dorm just after 11pm...When I walk in the common room malfoy is sitting on the sofa "Where were you?" He asks "nowhere" I awnser "I will find out what you and your precious little Potter are up to" he says and I just ignore him,he's not going to ruin my mood tonight!

The next morning I see him talking to Filch,crabbe and goyle,uggh he really is gonna try and bust us,I walk over to the gryffindor table "Harry,malfoy is gonna try and bust us" I say as I sit down "Uggh that bloody child is getting on my nerves "Ron says "You didn't hit him hard enough in my first year I was here Hermione" I say and chuckle at the thought of it "Just be glad,you've only had to deal with him for 3 years we've had him for 5" harry says and chuckles "don't worry,they won't know where to find us" hermione says...

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