17~a kiss and a classroom~

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The next morning everyone talked about what happened yesterday "Umbridge is gone!Thank goodness" sophia said "Yeah and Dumbledore's returning" someone else adds "And you-know-who is back again" "really!?" "Yeah,it was all in the daily prophet this morning"

After breakfast we are informed that we have the friday off because of everything that happened so everyone was very excited...harry wasn't anywhere to be seen...well after what happened last night I can totally understand,I walk down to the black lake where Luna,Neville and cho are sitting "Hey guys " "Hi amelia" "you guys alright after last night?" Cho asks "Yeah we're okay" Luna says "Listen Amelia can I ask you something?" Neville says "Yeah sure" "How did you escape malfoy's grip" "I just felt his grip loosening, I think he was just in thought so I knew I had to get free of him" "Oh wow" luna added "Yeah,I was very relieved" after a hour of just chatting I decided to walk up back to hogwarts,as I was walking through the corridors, verry happy to see all the paintings back up again suddenly someone pulled me into a classroom,he closed the door behind him...


"Malfoy what is going on?" "Nothing I just wanted to ask you something " "Why did you pull me into this classroom?" "I figured you didn't want to be seen talking to me so openly in the hall" "you're probably right,what did you want to ask me?" "Well...Why didn't you use the stupify spell on me like you did on Goyle?" "Why did you loosen your grip around my arms" "why did you kiss me back in the library?" "Why did you kiss me in the first place!" I walk up closer to her and put my hands on her waist "why are you not shoving my hands off?" "Why are you putting your hands on my waist?" I push her against one of the walls of the classroom and stare into her green beautiful mesmerizing eyes "why are you not running away from me?" I ask with my face only a few inches from hers "why haven't you fucking kissed me yet!" And at her words I suddenly lock my lips with hers,after a few moments she bites down on my lower lip and I give out a small moan,she opens her mouth a bit and as our tonges are entagled we pull away to catch our breath,I start kissing her neck and suddenly she moans "draco..." when I hear her call me draco instead of malfoy I lock lips with her again,her hand on my neck and her other through my hair I suddenly pick her up on a desk and I'm standing between her two legs,the kiss intensifies and our tonges are going wild...my hands are all over her waist and back and I try to pull her more into me ,I've never felt the need of wanting someone so bad ever before and suddenly she pulls away and she's staring into my eyes "What are we doing?" She asks "Hopefully not stopping" I say jokingly "No,we can't do this!" She Climbs off the desk and is fixing her uniform "why not" I ask "Because your Malfoy and I'm a mudblood" she turns around and just as she want's to exit I grab her left wrist ,she turns around and I slowly turn her left hand around so that I can see the top of her hand,where the words are still carved "I will not brake rules,Malfoy" she says "Rules are meant to be fucking broken!" I yell "Don't you remember it was you who caught us" "I was stupid!" "Malfoy..." I interupt her "oh so your back to calling me that again "Well yes" "Amelia..." she stares at me with those big gorgeous green eyes


"Amelia..." as he said my name I couldn't help but walk closer to him again " yes..." "I don't like that your calling me malfoy again" he says and puts his hand on my waist again "Malfoy...you've never called me Amelia before..." "stop calling me malfoy" "but that's the way it should be" "No!" He then kisses me again and after a few moments I pull away "Yes...I'm sorry malfoy,I don't know if this is just another one of you and Pansy's sick jokes but I'm not gonna be just another girl.." I say and shove his hands off my waist and look down "Amelia..." "Yes..." he takes his hand and softly cups my chin and tilts it up"This is no sick game..." I walk away from him but he walks closer but I keep backing up,until I'm backed against the wall yet again and he puts one hand on either side of my face "You see...you're not just another girl" he places one hand on my waist"You...are...Amelia" he puts the other hand on my face "county" he pulls me close and kisses me like I've never been kissed before,my haert is beating so fast and I can feel my knees getting weak,so I pull away "Draco...I'm sorry...I have to go" I say and walk out of the classroom


Her cheeks looked so flushed but she looked so gorgeous, and my haert almost melted when she said my name once again...I didn't like it but there was no denying that Amelia County had an effect on me,and it was a HUGE effect.. I couldn't stop thinking about her that night and I knew I had to try and make her mine...

The next day everyone had to leave Hogwarts so I decided to wake up early and wait in the common room,I knew she was going to try and avoid me so she might even get up early as well and try and leave


I couldn't stop thinking about him last night,I really didn't want to walk into him today,I knew I couldn't control myself around him...I woke up super early,packed my things and I left a note saying to sophia where she could find me on the train,As I rushed my things down to the common room I suddenly saw him standing up from the sofa "good morning Amelia" "hey malfoy" "Oh come on,I thought we were on a first name basis now?" "Well you thought wrong" "Ok fine,do you need help with your luggage?" "No thanks,I'm fine" trying to pretend I'm not struggling my ass off I walk towards the exit, "levioso" I hear him say behind me and suddenly all my luggage is lift off the ground "see you on the train" he said "No,I don't think so" I say and quickly take over the spell that was casted on my luggage,as I make my way to the train,luckily harry,ron and Hermione were also up early so we all made our way to the train...I knew I was going to see them during the summer so I didn't really dull on the fact that I would be missing my friends,all my brain could think about was draco Malfoy...

A/n:hi so there are literally 2 people reading my story and honestly I can't wait to update every day for you guys.Honestly there are so much more fun and *spicy* chapters to come.Please comment if you want longer chapters and yeah loves please vote.

Hope you have a wonderful day...oh and also comment if you want more author notes,I dunno sometimes they annoy me when I read a story so that's why I have so little of them.But yeah 2 updates in one day,hope you liked this chapter...Draco is not becoming a softie just yet tho.

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