15~The library~

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The next day after detention I walk with harry,ron and hermione "no one could win against the old hag" ron says "even Dumbledore didn't see this coming...Harry if it's anyone's fault it's ours"hermione says "yeah we talked you in to this" ron added "Yeah,but I agreed...I tried so hard to help,and all it's done is make things worse...anyway that doesn't matter anymore,because I don't want to play anymore,all it does is make you care too much,the more you care,the more you have to lose" Harry says "No harry!The only way I got through that detention is because you said I should think of something that makes me happy,something that I care about,we have to care!" I say loud "maybe it's just better to" harry says but is interupted by hermione "to what?" "To do it alone"harry says "harry,stop it,you can't do it alone!" I say but I'm interupted by hagrid "psst!" "Hagrid?" Harry says confused

We follow hagrid into the forbidden forrest,he wants to show us something...Our eyes widen as the big giant stands up infront of us...he picks up hermione but she manages to let him put her down,after our encounter with the giant,who is hagrids brother we make our way back to the great hall,harry has to go to see snape,and ron and hermione go sit at the gryfindor table as I walk towards the slytherin table I hear someone call for me "Hi there Amelia" "Hi Luna" I say polite "Is your hand alright?" "Yes it's better and yours Luna?" "It was quiet brutal to try and fall asleep last night,but I managed" "Luna I'm so sorry" I say "Oh its alright,I actually wanted to ask you a question" Luna says "Sure go ahead " "Well I just saw you talk to cho and although she's in my house she doesn't seem to want to talk about it,I just wondered if you knew what happened?" "Snape used Veritaserum on her,but Harry doesn't believe her,and doesn't want to talk to her,I think she could really use a friend right now Luna" "Yes of course,I will do so,you have a great night Amelia" "You too Luna" Luna was the nicest human I knew,I sat down at the slytherin table next to Sophia "Hey soph,want to go and study in the library tonight?" "Yeah sure A. ,o.w.l.'s are really stressing me out" "Me too" ,as the food appeared in front of us I didn't quite have the appetite to eat tonight so I just waited for Sophia to finish her food "You haven't even touched your food Amelia?" "I'm not hungry" "Ok,let's go to the library shall we"

We were studying very hard "I'm coming now,I just want to go and get a book for potions" I say and stand up,as I went through the rows and finally found the book I wanted I suddenly walked into someone accidentally and my book fell from my hands "Sorry I didn't mean to-oh Malfoy? " I suddenly see it was malfoy I bumped into "Watch where your going!" "Gheeze I'm sorry it wasn't on purpose" "Of course it wasn't " he says sarcastically "Malfoy,Why would I walk into you on purpose if I told you to pretend like I didn't exist?" "I don't know you probably miss me" he says and smirks "Oh yeah I miss you being mean to me" I say sarcastically "What! do you expect me to be nice to a mudblood" he laughs "Yeah!It's just basic human decency!" "No your wrong,mudbloods don't deserve human decency " "You don't deserve to be alive!" I say loud"Oh shut up!" "Shhh!!!" Madam Pince says "Just leave me alone" I mumble to Malfoy "No" he says and smirks "I'm going to make your life a living hell" he says and smirks "You already did,look at my hand" as I say that he turns his eyes to the ground "look at it!" He turns his eyes to look at it and he quickly looks away like it almost burns his eyes to look at it "what,why can't you look at it huh"

"Amelia what's going on here?" Sophia says coming up behind me "Malfoy bumped into me" "No,the mudblood bumped into me " "Uggh just leave her alone Malfoy" sophia says "I promise you Prickett You both better watch who your talking to,I'm your house prefect and a member of the inquisitorial squad and Draco Malfoy" "Oohhhh,so intimidating" I say mockingly "Come on Amelia,I don't want to get in trouble" she says "Soph you go, I don't care if I get detention again" "Amelia" she says "Soph I said go,Malfoy and I are not done just yet" "Oh aren't we" he says with a smirk all over his face "Fine I'll go,see you in the dorm" she says and walks away "Now,look at my hand" "No" "why not,you want to give me detention again don't you,come on,look at what you want to do to me" he slowly looks at it again but this time he doesn't look away,instead he slowly takes my hand and slowly strokes his thumb over the words "I will not brake rules" he says as he reads it,still holding my hand he turns to look at me,I feel like a statue, he comes closer,and is only a few inches away from me,he takes his other hand and grabs my waist and pulls my body against his "Is this the part where you yell mudblood infront of everyone and shove me ,so that I fall on the ground" I say so soft it was barely a whisper and try and make him feel guiltyabout what happened at the yule ball,he is staring into my eyes and he just says "No,I'm not going to do that",I still can't move he let's go of my hand and takes his hand and puts it on my face and then he...

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