Chapter four - i guess im a fangirl

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(Lily's POV)

The words echoed round my head momentarily as I tried to convince myself this wasn't real. How could it be? My idol, my childhood crush, in the exact place I met him previously.
"Martin - I," I stuttered, my body shaking in excitement, yet embarrassment.
"Don't worry, Lily, I'm fine with it," he winked, his Dutch accent the sweetest I had ever heard. I flicked my eyes between his capturing ones, and Simons sniggering face. I didn't know whether to laugh, or cry.
"You-you know my name?" I gasped, the quivering in my voice obvious.
"I could never forget," he smiled innocently. Without a minute of further dwelling, I threw my hands to my face, unable to control my emotions. I latched myself into the mans broad and comforting arms, immediately feeling regret. But before I could remove myself, I felt warm hands rubbing my back as the body attached to them laughed against my body.
"Not a fan girl?" Simon whispered in my ear as I pulled away eventually, just loud enough for Martin to hear and laugh.
"I guess I am a bit of a fan girl."

I woke up the following morning to golden rays shining through my windows like kaleidoscopes of honey. Blinking delicately to prepare my brown eyes to the light, I noticed the storm had eased. From what I could see from my cosy bed, the trees were snow covered, the floor a blanket of white. Yet the sky golden with blue ombré. I smiled. But immediately felt my smile turn into something else when my mind flashed back to last night. Why was he there? Why did I have to embarrass myself?! Chuckling slightly, I reached for my phone. 10:02am. I wasn't working until the evening, so I decided to spend my day exploring the local area.

After much procrastination, I found myself showered, made up and dressed. For once, I felt confident in myself. Whether it was the lack of effort I had been making recently, or the simple adrenaline from the past few days I didn't know, but I didn't care. I wore simple black jeans, a long sleeve black top with my beige and cream checked teddy coat and a matching hat over the top of my deep hair that today fell straight. Opening the door to the outside, I was hit with the notes of melted, rich chocolate. It was simply delightful living near a chocolate factory. The air was calm and quite, the ground blanketed white and I stepped towards the garden gate. I heard a meow as I unlocked the door and was greeted by an innocent little face.
"Luna you silly thing, go and get cosy!" I giggled to myself talking to the little cat. I gave her some fuss, before leaving her to make her way inside. Cats were my favourite - so free, so wonderful.

My feet aches by the time I reached the station. It was now around 2 o'clock and already the sky was fading into grey. The sunshine had vanished, delicate snow drops replacing it. But I had certainly been lucky to have spent the morning in Amsterdam in the dry. I sighed, watching the train pull up to the station. This must be my train, I thought and jumped up from the bench. It wasn't until the train pulled away from the station I realised perhaps this wasn't my train. This wasn't the right direction. Panicking slightly, I waited till we reached the first station and quickly made an exit.
'It's fine. I'll just wait here until the next train and try again' I told myself.
"Excuse me sir, would you mind giving me the directions back to Amsterdam?" I asked politely to the train attendant behind the ticket desk and I attempted to remain calm in this station that was more or less deserted, and completely unknown to me.
"Next train isn't until 3pm, sorry miss," he responded, checking his watch. Great. I sighed, thanking him, and headed for the Exit. There was no point waiting inside an empty station on end - no better time to explore.

The canal to my left was much different to those in the city center - the water was more mud, a deep khaki shade of relative stillness. Overgrown bushes wormed their way into my pathway as the buildings also stood tall in the distance. I had no idea where I was or how to get back to the station at this point. Until at last, civilisation. I reached what appeared to be a car park, but only a few cars and bikes were present. The building seemed somewhat familiar, but who knew why. Perhaps a dream I once had, or a poster somewhere in the bottom of my mind. I watched this fancy looking building, that appeared in darkness for a moment due to the blacked out windows and stone covered walls. It was intimidating, but I needed to get directions. Rubbing my anxious palms on my jacket, I headed for the black glass door and began gently tapping on it. I could hear movement inside, giving me hope someone would come and help me. The sky was beginning to merge droplets into the air, the before welcoming sun distant and a pungent breeze present. Shivering, I waited moments, minutes. But no one came. I sighed, beginning to walk away. The neat gravel cracking under my boots as I emerged back on to the pavement. As I was about to turn and head back into the exact direction I came from, I heard a voice. A male voice speaking fluent, yet sweet Dutch. His voice had an air of happiness and banter, although I had no idea what he was saying. Just what I needed - a friendly local to guide me back. I turned around and began walking towards him. He had his back to me, his hair a mousey brunette in a messy quiff, familiar black jeans and a black hoodie.
"Excuse me, I need some directions if you wouldn't mind?" I shyly spoke approaching the man. The rain was now falling in torrents, and I really just wanted to get home. To Luna, and Lester and Simon. The man turned to face me, and I felt my entire being swallow me up I anxiety. Why did this keep happening to me?!
"Watse, I'll call you back," He kept his turquoise grey eyes on me as he ended the call that I had rudely interrupted and put his phone in his black jeans.
"I'm so sorry, urm I didn't mean to-"
"Don't worry, Lily! You're becoming a familiar face," he laughed, his eyes creasing adorably. I felt my cheeks blush slightly as I laughed with him.
"I don't mean to! I got the wrong train and now I just need to get back in time for work, plus I'm abit wet" I laughed raising my arms in my oversized coat to gesture at the state of me. He laughed back, causing some fluttering in my chest.
"Why don't you come in for a bit? I have some work to finish off, but I wouldn't mind the company. It gets lonely shut in a room by myself all day. Then I'll show you back," he shrugged with an inviting smile. I couldn't believe this was happening - I could've cried. But the fan girl in my would not ruin this friendly moment for me.
"I'd love to, if you don't mind," I smiled back, following him back to the door and stepping into the warm embrace of the building.

Between us ~ Martin GarrixWhere stories live. Discover now