7. Revelations

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Nana's book^^

Ren's POV

Sitting at the kitchen island as Ezra cooked breakfast, I was pouring over the book.

"What are you reading?" Julia asked sitting next to me

"We found Nana's old house when we went out for a run, it's about a 30 min run from here." I said showing her the book.

"This was Nana's herb book." I explained.

"I'm glad he'll have a running partner now, I hate getting up early. How can you read that, what language is that?" She asked looking closer.

"German. Nana's parents came to America with her when she was 15, she taught it to my Dad and me. My sister never wanted to learn." I said flipping to the back pages where there was drawing of different creatures.

"What are those?" Julia asked

"Creatures Nana swore were real." I snorted.

"Like here it says, 'While, I've never personally met a witch there are too many strange things to discount their existence.' I quoted. They all basically say that except the one on werewolves." I said flipping to the page where a wolf was drawled.

"What about werewolves?" Ezra asked looking at the book.

"I remember Nana talking about them when I was little, it says 'While werewolves that live in packs are usually good & only want piece & prosperity, beware of those with red eyes, they are said to have no humanity left & will kill any man, woman, or child that crosses their path. Werewolves do not need a full moon to shift into their beasts, but while they are beasts they are still the same as they were in their human forms. Werewolves posses a great gift in the forum of mates. These soul mates as they call them, they believe are blessed unto them by the deity that they worship; The Moon-Goddess. They can tell their mates by their smell & the eclectic tingles they receive with skin contact. Mates are the upmost treasured to each wolf, they will move mountains to protect them & keep them joyous. This information was giving to me by my childhood friend from back home, who was a shifter herself.' When she says home I think she means Germany, that's what she always called home" I said flipping to another page.

I noticed it was quite and looked up, Julia and Ezra were starting at each other in deep concentration.

"Hey, you guys ok?" I asked

"Jules?" I said touching her arm, when a shock ran through me I jumped back causing them both to look at me.

"Ren we can explain." Julia said holding her hands up.

"You..I..sparks..what.." I sputtered out. The shocks, I always get them when they touch me.

"I wish there was an easier way to do this, I thought we had more time, but your Nana was right Ren, and we are werewolves. Your our mate." Ezra said slowly.

"Prove it." I said clinching my jaw. If they wanted to play this game of make believe and try to make a fool out of me, so be it, I'd play their game.

Ezra walked out the door into the backyard. I followed with Julia behind me.

Ezra turned to me. "Remember it's just me and I will not hurt you." He said.

He suddenly bent over and his skin started to move, I heard bones breaking and saw fur sprout out all over his body as his clothing ripped to pieces.

Where Ezra once stood, stood a black wolf I had to look up to see. He was huge.

The wolf/Ezra whimpered and laid on his belly.

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