15. Pain

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Ren's POV

I woke up with a splitting headache. I looked around and saw I was in a small cell.

What the hell happened? Was I arrested?

I felt someone next to me and looked over and saw Emily curled up at my side.

"Em." I said shaking her.

She jolted awake looking around.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"They took us." She sniffled.

"Who?" I asked her


"Why would they take us?" I asked

"I don't know, but don't tell them who your mated too, ok?" She said

"OK." I answered confused.

The door slammed against the wall as it was thrown open.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the little princess, finally awake I see." A man who looked unkept said. I could smell him from here, he smelled like he rolled around in a cow field.

"Why did you take us?" I asked placing Emily behind me to shield her from his view as he stood in front of our cell door.

"I don't have any use to keep you alive human so watch your tongue." He snarled at me.

He focused on Emily and said "Your parents tried to keep us away so I took care of them, who were they to keep me from my mate. And when I almost had you a second time, your brother ups and moved you." 

"Your not my mate." Emily said

"Your just too young to know it yet, but don't worry you'll know it as soon as I mark that pretty little neck of yours." He said opening our cell door.

"Your going to stay away from her." I said standing up.

"I can smell the wolf on you girl, maybe we should make your mate suffer for a bit. Maybe there's something I can use you for after all, well something my men can use you for." He said with an evil glint in his eye.

He grabbed me and shoved me out of the cell towards another man I hadn't noticed. 

"Take her and have some fun, while my mate and I get acquainted." He grunted at the man holding me.

"My pleasure." The man said throwing me over his shoulder while I screamed for them not to hurt Emily.

I was taken to a small room and thrown on a mattress that was in the middle of the dirty room.

The man got on top of me and started pawing at me.

I bit, scratched, kicked and fought as hard as I could. He finally got off of me.

"Fucking Bitch." He snarled at me leaving the room and slamming the door.

Just when I took a few breaths to calm down the man came back in with three other guys. 

Two of them held my arms down and the other helped him rip my pants off.

Ezra's POV

The past few days have been hell. I feel it every time they abuse her. And every time it's like a wrecking ball to my system.

I was seething with rage and I wanted blood.

Julia couldn't take the pain and after the first few times the pack doctor has to sedate her when it happens to keep her from hurting someone. 

"Alpha, the scouts found something." My beta said running into my office.

"Where." I said as I got up and followed him to the map on the wall.

"Here. It's about 50 miles out of our territory in no mans land." He said pointing to a place on the map.

"Let's go." I said rushing out of my office and out of the pack house where my warriors were waiting.

"I'm coming." Julia said walking outside.

"Jules, its to-" She interrupted, "I'm going." She said her voice like steel.

"Let's go get our mate and sister then." I said seeing the blood lust in her eyes.

Ren's POV

After the 4 of them took turns they threw me back in the cell with Emily.

"Em are you ok?" I asked looking her over for injuries.

"Yea, he didn't do anything, just kept repeating that I was his mate." She said.

"Ren, I'm so sorry." She said hugging me.

"Hey, it's ok, it's ok, it's not your fault ok." I told her

"Yes it is, they wanted me, all this time, it was my fault. It's my fault my parents are dead." She cried.

"No it's not, it's his, he is a deranged man that set his sights on you, that doesn't make it your fault, do you understand. It's not your fault, it's his." I said firmly.

"Remember, no matter what happens, it's not your fault, ever." I told her again.

The next day was worse. They dragged me out of the cell and away from Emily.

They took me to the living room where there was a bed placed in the middle of it. I struggled to get away, but it didn't do any good.

They chained my arms and spread my legs and chained them down.

One man came over and lifted my shirt up to expose my chest. The room was full of men who took turns watching and inflicting pain. I had bite marks all over me as well as cigarette burns. 

I tried not to cry out as it only made them hurt me worse.

At one point the pain got to be too much and darkness consumed me and I welcomed it with open arms.

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