Detention is over

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TW: Swearing. A lot.

Yesterday, when I woke up, I was already alarmed, waiting for Pansy to attack me. Honestly, I was so tense that I only left my dorm to eat, when I had her on my eye line.

She looked peaceful, which obviously wasn't a good thing. But nothing happened.

Millicent told me I was being weird. I agreed, but I was scared for my life! She could poison me or something.

Well, if she did, I didn't notice.

Finally, monday has arrived. And for no one's surprise, I was already late. In my defense, I have no clue where my uniform is. Actually, I have my robe and my skirt, but all of my shirts just disappeared.

Fucking Pansy.

Well, I don't have another choice. I have to go like this, and hope that I don't have to take it off. But she's going to listen to me.

"PANSY PARKINSON, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed when I sat on the slytherin table in the Great Hall.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm gonna kill you."
"What's going on?" Blaise asked, approaching. I looked to the side and the people close to us were listening quietly. Including Malfoy, who had a smirk on his face.
"What are you talking about?" she faked.
"You're done."

I didn't have time to eat because class was about to start, which made me more angry. If that's even possible.

We went to potions, and I explained to Millicent why I was screaming like crazy on breakfast. The day went well, until someone spilled soup on my robe at lunch.

"Uh, my bad." Malfoy smirked.
"It's burning me." I moaned, feeling the heat on my chest.
"Take it off, Ms. Harvey." McGonagall was just passing by and saw the incident.

Instead, I grabbed my glass filled with pumpkin juice and spilled all over me.

"What are you doing?"
"It was too hot!" I answered to Umbridge.
"Take it off."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"She's not wearing her uniform. I'm sorry, I had to say it."
"Is this true Ms. Harvey?"
"Pansy stole them!" I yelled.
"No, I didn't. We don't even sleep in the same room."
"Okay, young lady. Go to the room, get dressed and after classes you're going straight to detention. Mr. Malfoy, you're responsible for her." she said and started walking away.

"But I haven't eaten yet." I cried.
"You better hurry then. Otherwise you'll only get dinner."

Fucking Umbridge.

I stormed out of the Great Hall and saw all eyes on me. People really don't have anything better to do.

As soon as I entered my room, I saw my shirts at the exact place they should be with a note on top of them.

"This is for trying to steal my man."

She couldn't be more dramatic even if she tried it. Her man was hitting on me, and I got detention. Wait, her man? He's not hers. I will lose my mind, I swear.

Thankfully I got back in time to eat a little bit before classes started. The rest of the day went well, beside all of the whispers behind my back.

When the class ended, Malfoy was already waiting for me outside the classroom.

"Come on. The sooner we start this, the sooner we finish it."
"Sure" I muttered, without any excitement in my voice.

He sat in the teacher's chair, and told me to sit across from him. I opened my bag to get my homework done while I was in detention, but he stopped me.

"Wait, what do you think you're doing?"
"Oh no. You're in detention. You'll be quiet reflecting on what you did wrong."

I closed my books tightly and snorted loudly, which made him smile.

"Do you think I want to be here?"
"Actually, yes. You seem to love stressing me out. "
"Oh, I do. But it doesn't mean that I want to spend my evening here locked in a room with you. "
"As if. Do you think I don't remember you insisting on me going to your dorm the other day? "
"I blame Firewhisky for that one."
"If that makes you sleep well at night."

We were silent for a while, and I watched in silence as he played with the rings on his fingers. I opened my robe to reach the inside pocket, taking out my chapstick. We were close to each other, so it was obvious that he would smell it.

"What is that smell?" he looked at me.
"Cherry. My chapstick. " I ran the object over my lips, without taking my eyes off him "It's my favorite flavor."
"What?" he asked, oblivious.
"Cherry. My mom makes me everything at home. Perfume, shampoo, soap. "
"And chapstick."
"And chapstick." I agreed "And I wanted all of them to be cherry flavored."

"Can you put it away? I'm already getting a headache because of that smell." I rolled my eyes and did what he asked.
"You can't keep a conversation without being an asshole, can you?"
"Only with those who interest me."

I rolled my eyes and decided not to say anything more. I rested my chin on the palm of my hands, and started looking at the walls, hoping that the rest of the hour would pass at least a little faster.

After a long time, he decided to break the silence.
"You know, Harvey, you could be a lot hotter if you stopped hanging out with that filthy mudblood."

That's it, I'm done.

I got up quickly and slammed my left hand on the table he was on, leaning close as I pointed the wand at his neck.

"Call her one more time to see if I'm not going to crucio yours and your girlfriend's asses, Malfoy. I dare you."
"Adorable. Too bad I don't have a girlfriend. "
"Oh really? I think you should tell her then." I replied while grabbing the note that Pansy left on top of my clothes, throwing on him.

I saw his expression change from smug to angry, and I couldn't help but smile at that.

"Fucking Pansy." he murmured, "Detention is over."
"Thank you my dear." I replied as he went through the door, putting my bag on my shoulders and leaving the room, with 15 minutes less detention.

Hope you guys liked it!

See you!

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