Making up

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Happy reading, loves!

Narrator POV

As soon as Katherine and Draco finished lunch, they went to Draco's dorm, ready to spend the afternoon catching up.

At the moment the door was closed, she wrapped her hand on his tie, pulling him to a kiss. He smiled and gripped her waist, kissing her back.
"Merlin, I missed you." he whispered, breaking the kiss to stare at her.

He took his time examining every single detail she had on her face, looking if she was still the same. Every freckle, every little scar, the shine on her eyes, her pinky plumped lips. Yes, she was still the same.
"Can you... stop doing this?" she asked, turning her face away from him, trying to hide the blush on her face.

"Are you blushing?" he teased.
"Of course I am, you keep staring at me like a creep." she mumbled, still shy. He chuckled and gripped her chin to turn her face to him again.
"I spend too much time away from you, I deserve this." she smiled and kissed him again, pulling him away from the door.

He sat on the edge of his bed while she straddled his hips, taking off his tie.
"Hungry much?" he smirked.
"You have no idea." she muttered, taking off his tie and kissing his neck, making him gasp.

His hands flew to her thighs, squeezing them roughly. He slid his hands up her shirt, unbuttoning her shirt slowly, and taking her tie off easily. She leaned back to help him set her free, tossing the with shirt onto the ground. He sighed and glanced at her.

It was like the first time he saw her. Her tanned skin shining on the dark light of the room. All of her curves make his breath inch. Little beauty spots spreaded all over her torso, like they were manually painted to create some kind of art. She was gorgeous. Her beauty mesmerized him every single time.

"You are beautiful." he muttered under his breath. She smiled and kissed him, pulling him further into the bed, making him rest his back on the bedpost with her on his lap.

She reached the top of his shirt, starting to unbutton it, but he grabbed her wrists, stopping her. She leaned back and frowned.
"It's not very pretty." he said, embarrassed.

She looked at his eyes, reassuring him it was okay. When he relaxed, she unbuttoned his shirt, taking it off. As soon as her eyes rested on his torso, she gasped at the view. Not because of his toned chest and abs, but because all of his scars. She saw it before, that day on the train, but they were bleeding so she couldn't actually see the damage.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled, and she furrowed her eyebrows in response.
"Is ugly. I'm sorry if it..." she kissed him, cupping his jaw.

"Nothing about you is ugly."
"But the scars are..."
"Nothing. And I love you, with scars and all. If I'm being honest, they make you even hotter." she smirked, looking at him.

His eyes widened and he stopped on his tracks, looking at her.
"Say that again."
"This makes you even hotter." she said, trying to bit a smile. He shook his head.
"No, the other thing."
"I don't remember it." she furrowed her eyebrows, faking innocence.

"Katherine, please. Did you mean it? I need to..."
"I love you, Draco. I mean it."

He let a breath he didn't even know he was holding go, relieved.
"One more time. Do it." she narrowed her eyes "Please?"
"I love you." he opened the biggest smile she had ever seen.
"I love you too."

Draco switched their positions, laying her on bed and climbing on top of her, taking his shirt off, before leaning down to kiss her and grip her neck, making her gasp. He smirked and moved down, to kiss her torso. He let go of her throat to massage one of her breasts, licking and sucking the other gently, making her back arch when he holded the niple between his teeths.

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