Golden trio

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Just a small boring chapter to show a little bit more of their friendship!

Btw, there's something I took from tiktok, hope you finds out what is it🥰 (That audio is so funny and it fits so much with their personality I nedded to add to the story).


Katherine POV

It was early in the evening and I was in the Gryffindor common room with Harry, Ron and Hermione. We were studying together. At least, that was our initial plan.

In the first 30 minutes we were actually doing something, but things started going down when Ron touched my waist with his elbow. I looked up at him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What the fuck is that?" he whispered, pointing to the book. I read it and bit my lip.
"I'm not taking Care of Magical Creatures' class." I said, leaning back on my seat.

Both of us were sharing a seat, so I felt when he started laughing and shaking, trying his best to stop himself from making more noise.
"What?" I whispered.
"This is herbology, dumbass." he showed the book's cover.
"Oh fuck." I started laughing with him, both of us covering our mouths.

He tried to read again, but I was too bored to let him do it. I leaned closer to him, almost resting my head on his shoulder.
"Do you want to keep studying?" I whispered. He looked at me with widened eyes.
"What do you have in mind?"
"We can just talk about people's life or whatever. But if your book is more interesting..."
"Fuck no. Tell me something new." I giggled while we covered our faces with our books so Hermione and Harry wouldn't see us.

"You have no idea what happened on the gryffindor and hufflepuff's quidditch game."
"Cedric fucking Diggory hit on me. In the middle of the game."
"Bloddy hell! That's what he was doing when he almost fell on your house's side?" I nodded, excited.

"He was so close to me, I thought he was going to kiss me. I don't think we had a conversation outside parties. How can someone be that hot?"
"He's a player, don't fall for his games."
"Trust me, I won't."
"Actually, you're worse than him. I should be having this speech with him to protect him from you." he teased. I rolled my eyes.
"Fuck you, Ronald."

Before we could continue our whispering section, we heard a loud laugh entering the room. We turned around to see who it was, and we saw Oliver Wood passing by us with his friend. I was just admiring his beauty when I felt a finger on my waist.
"What is it now?"
"You're drooling. That's embarrassing."
"Shut up, you don't know shit."
"Oh, I know what I saw, Katherine."

"Look, I'll say....Merlin, you have no idea what happened in that game."
"Bloody hell, were you even watching the fucking match?"
"Yes, I was. And the proof is that I saw the moment he cursed to some other player. That was so hot."
"You're weird."
"I wasn't the only one. Pansy Parkinson also saw it."
"So now that you share a crush on my quidditch captain you're best friends?
"Obviously no. She just happens to like the same type of man as me. Sister got taste."
"Not so good. Have you forgotten her devotion for Malfoy?"

Here we go.

"I mean, he's hot."
"He's the worst soul that I've ever met."
"You literally faced Voldemort. Stop being so dramatic."
"I'm not being dramatic. But if you're willing to forget all his disgusting behavior just to sleep with him...."

Oh, I am. Very much so.

Before I could change the subject, we were interrupted by Hermione clearing her throat. We looked at her and found Harry and her staring at us with an annoyed look.

"Hey guys!"
"Alright?" Ron added.
"Can you both please shut your mouth. Some of us are actually trying to study here." Harry asked.
"But we were studying." I said, shaking the book in my hand.
"So I'm sure you won't mind switching seats." Hermione stood.
"We won't." I answered, stooding as well and sitting at Harry's side.

Ron and I exchanged bored glances, until I started reading my book.
"Are you going to stand there doing nothing?" Hermione asked Ron, who had his hands on his lap and a bored expression.
"What do you want me to do?"
"I don't know, maybe read a book?"
"I'm done with herbology for tonight." he said, crossing his arms.
"So try this one. Is a really interesting book about charms." she said, handing him a book twice bigger as his herbology one.

"Bloody hell! This is gigantic!" he complained, his eyes widened at the size of the object.
"I pity your hookups if you think 2 inches is gigantic." I mumbled, and all my tree friends were looking at me.

A few seconds later, all of us were bursting in laughter, looking at each other's faces and laughing even louder.

Harry and Hermione finally gave up trying to make us study with them, and we all started chatting for a long time, laughing and sharing secrets.


Almost one hour later, Hermione was already sketching, resting her chin on the palm of her hands.
Ron was no different, leaning back on his seat with his arms crossed. I was laid down at Harry's chest, while he had his arms around my waist.

"We should get going to our dorms." Hermione said.
"Yeah, I'm so ti... Fuck, what time is it?"
"Past curfew for sure." Ron mumbled.

"Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?"
"There's no need. I'll be there in a minute."
"Are you sure? We both know how bad Umbridge's detention can get." he whispered, looking deeply into my eyes.
"Don't worry. Besides, I'm pretty sure my house's prefect will help me. But they won't do the same for you, since you're a Gryffindor."
"I guess you're right... But if you want..."
"No, Harry. It's fine. Thank you so much." I said, looking at his beautiful green eyes with a smile.

I stood up, fixing my robe and my hair.
"Night guys, see you tomorrow." I kissed each one of my friends' cheeks and left, trying my best to do the less noise possible.

I walked past the dorms, and actually succeeded in being invisible. Well, that's until I reached the dungeons, where my common room is.

My steps were careful and silent, and I was already smiling to myself. I was so close. Before I could whisper the password, I heard someone sucking their teeth, in disappointment.
"Now, now miss Harvey. Didn't you know we have a curfew to follow?"

I smirked, without turning around to face the prefect.
"Oh, silly me! I might have forgotten, but I promise you, it won't happen again." I felt the person approaching.
"Disrespecting curfew, lying to a prefect and making promises you won't keep? You'll end up getting yourself in trouble like that."
"So I hope you're not a snitch." I felt his hands tossing my hair to the side, his hot breathing on my neck giving me chills.

"I'll see what I can do for you." he muttered, and I turned around with a smirk "You shouldn't be out this late. If it was any other prefect you'd probably be in Umbridge's office by now."
"I guess I'm lucky." I shrugged, resting my back on the stone wall.

"By the way, where were you?"
"Studying in Gryffindor common room." I answered, looking into his eyes. He arched an eyebrow.
"Let me guess, with Potter?"
"Mhm. What are you going to do about it?" I crossed my arms "Take me to Umbridge?" he tilted his head to the side, licking the inside of his cheek.

"Don't even doubt it, you will get punished. But I rather do it myself." His eyes pierced me with lust.
"Me too."
"Tomorrow, after lunch. My dorm." he said slowly before winking and leaving me by myself.


Sooo... I hope you liked it!

I really hope you guys like smut because there's a few coming soon....

Remember, you're strong, beautiful and I'm proud of you for being alive. I love you all, stay safe!

See you soon!

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