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Katherine POV

On the day after the party, I sneaked out of the boys' dorm, leaving an annoyed Draco behind. He didn't want me to leave, but I was way too hungry to cuddle all morning.

I took a shower and got dressed in my robes before heading to the Great Hall. Louis wasn't there, so I chose to sit in the Gryffindor table.

I felt like I was being watched, and when I reached my head up, I saw most of the students actually looking at me. I frowned at them and sat next to Hermione, across Ron and Harry.
"Morning guys." I said, filling by plate with waffles and toast. No one answered me back, and I only realized that after a minute.

As I looked up, all three of them were looking at me with a funny look at their faces.
"Do I look pretty today?" I joked, chuckling.
"Pretty enough to someone who was that high last night." Harry teased, making me roll my eyes.
"Stop being so drama..."

"So, when you were going to tell me?"
"To tell us." Ron corrected an annoyed Hermione.
"What are you guys talking about?"
"Don't you remember what happened? Really?"
"No, I don't." I said looking at Harry.

"Are you dating Louis?" my eyes widened and I choked in my orange juice.
"Come again?"
"You heard what she said. Are you dating Louis?" Ron repeated.
"Of course not. Why would you think that?"
"Oh, it 's not just us. It's everybody who went to the party." Harry said, pointing to the others tables with his head.

"Did we kiss?" I asked, covering my mouth with my hand. Oh my God, Malfoy will kill Louis.
"No..." Hermione said, suspiciously "Not in front of us at least."
"Then why are people thinking we're dating? I hang out with him all the time, and everybody knows we're just friends."
"Well, not after he freaked out and punched Pucey because he was hiting on you." I gasped at Ron.

"He did not!"
"Oh, he did." he nodded "And I think he said something like 'don't touch her'. Actually, it was something way more threatening than that, but that's not the point."
"Do you seriously don't remember any of that?"
"Not at all." I shook my head to Harry, before taking the last bite of my waffle and grabbing a few grapes.

"So, are you two dating or not?"
"No, Hermione. I swear. He's a player."
"So are you." Harry frowned and I groaned.
"Why do people keep saying that?"
"Well, I believe you. But you guys seem pretty close these days." she said.
"We've always been like that. You know how touchy I am. He just happens to be too. And D...Malfoy gets annoyed when we act touchy towards him."
"Fine, then." she sighed after eyeing me for a while.


"So you're dating now?" Draco said, looking at me and Louis with an slightly annoyed look.

The three of us were hanging out in front of one of the windows on the second floor before going to dinner. Draco was seated besides me and Louis across us. It was a saturday, so we didn't have much to do. I was telling them about breakfast and the things I've been told. He was kind of jealous, but there's nothing he could actually do about it.

"I told my friends that we aren't, but I doubt that the others will buy it."
"Just to clarify things, I only did that because I know you were going to punch him. And you had no excuse to be jealous of her. Not that you can tell them."
"And what are your excuses to be jealous of her, may I ask?"
"She's my best friend for as long as I can remember, I see her as my little sister and I saw that he was getting on her nerves."

"That's really good actually. And look at the bright side, nobody will hit on me if they think I'm dating." I said, winking at him. He rolled his eyes and pouted.
"You're right, I guess."
"Hey, don't be sad, mate. Even if I'm the one dating her, by the end of the day, you are the one she's sleeping with."

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