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Narrator POV

The day after the party Kath skipped breakfast. She only woke up at lunch, and sat alone on the slytherin table, eating in silence.

Before she could leave, she felt someone tapping her shoulder, which was weird since her friends were never that gentle and subtle, so she frowned and turned around, facing a really handsome hufflepuff, who had a dark blond curled hair and beautiful green eyes.

"Hey, how are you doing?" she tilted her head to the side, trying to remember him "Oh, I guess you don't remember me. I'm Anthony, we talked last night at the party."
"Oh, yes! Hufflepuff! I remember it, not so clearly though." he chuckled.
"Well, are you going to do something now?"
"Not really, no."
"Do you want to join me on a walk outside?" he asked, clearly nervous.

She thought about it for a second. Draco was definitely looking at them, she could feel his glare. And not only him, almost the entire slytherin table was too, since all of them knew that a fight could be close to blow.

It was no secret that she still had feelings for him, it was clear as the day on her mind, but it was time for her to get over it. He didn't even try to talk to her after everything that happened, his jealousy must be his possessive side taking over him, that's all.

"I would love to!" she said, standing up and walking out of the great hall with the guy.

They talked about everything that happened last night, most of it Anthony talking about what she did, while she died of embarrassment. But they shared a really good laugh.

"But there is one thing that I'm still curious about..." he said.
"When you ran up to me, you were talking about asking Malfoy what time it was. Why him, of all people?"
"Well, I dated him."
"I knew that. But are you still..."
"No, no. It's completely over. I was probably just trying to pick a fight with him. I'm really impulsive when I drink." she said, laughing. He nodded and chuckled as well.

"So, Katherine, tell me about your favourite classes."
"I'm really good at potion and I really like charms. Also I hate herbology. Really, I hate it."
"Really? It's so easy!"
"EASY? I've been struggling with it forever. I try to pay attention, I read a million books about it at the library, but It's impossible. Even when I think I'm getting it, I just mess everything up."

"I thought you got a good grade on your O.W.L last year."
"Oh I did, but I had to study like, ten times harder than I had to with potions."
"Maybe you're just studying it the wrong way. If you want to, I can help you this year."
"Would you do that?"
"Of course! I will show you how amazing herbology can be."
"I highly doubt that, but I'm in!" she said, smiling. He smiled back and winked at her.

His smile was very pretty. Even with the smallest things, he smiles like it's the best thing that has ever happened to him.

"Tell me about your family."
"I have a mother, a father and a sister."
"How old is she?"
"She is 10. I'm glad that we're going to spend a year together before I leave." he said.
"That's really adorable. You must miss her."
"Yeah, I do. But we always met on Christmas, and I'm kind of used to after six years."

"I imagine how hard it must be. My twin brothers are two months old now and I'm kind of missing them."
"Merlin they're young! What are their names?"
"David and Evan. They're the two prettiest babies I've ever seen."
"They must have got it from their sister." he winked and she laughed.
"Good one, hufflepuff."

They spent hours talking, sitting on the grass, until one of his friends called him.

It was good to have new friends, and besides that one time, Anthony didn't ask anything about Draco. Which was obviously good, because if he did, she would've probably spent the entire time talking about him.

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