Moaning Myrtle

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Hey you!

I just want to say I just love this chapter, and it's a little different from what you're used to.

Everythin on the left will be Draco's part. Mean while, everything on the right will be Katherine's part.

I thought it would be fun to have the both moments intercalated.

Hope you like it!

TW: just a little cursing and mentioning sex (but just a little)

Draco's POV

Katherine's POv

I walked to the girls bathroom on the second floor, getting away from my friends after lunch. I needed alone time to think about my confusing thoughts. If I'm being honest, they're not confusing at all. They all resume to one thing and one thing only: Katherine Harvey. More specifically, sex with Katherine Harvey. Since the night after the christmas party, my stupid mind wouldn't quit thinking about her. For fuck's sake, I couldn't even look at her without thinking about it. Which was pretty hard, since we have absolutely all of our classes together. And meals. And a common room. So what's a better place to sit and think than this bathroom? No one is ever here. I momentarily forgot the reason.

I ran into the second floor bathroom during lunch. I was about to finish my desert, but something happened and I had to leave. I was just fine, eating my chocolate cake and finishing my pumpkin juice. Actually, I was drinking my juice when the disaster happened. Millicent was talking about her trip with her parents for the third time this week and I -unintentionally- looked at the blonde guy, sitting in front of me but a little bit to the right. He was looking at my eyes, and smirked immediately when I returned his gaze. He opened his mouth slightly, only enough for me to see his tongue dancing through his teeth. My mind was consumed by all possible dirty thoughts, and I choked with my juice, spilling it in my clothes. He lifted an eyebrow, and Millicent looked at me like I was an animal. I just left the Great Hall running and came here, to the one place that I could have some peace.

And as it was reading my mind, the reason just appeared in front of me, floating with a smile across her face.
"Malfoy! What are you doing here?" Moaning Myrtle asked.
"Shove off, ghost. I just need to be alone." I muttered coldly. At the same second, she started sobbing loudly, like I had just killed her family. I was already pissed, I didn't need that. Both of my hands covered up my ears, as if it would stop me to hear her noises.
"Stop it! My head is going to explode! I can't deal with anyones shit right now. I already have too much of my own!" and just like that, the crying left as fast as it came, and she approached me.
"Tell me! I can help you!"
"And what you could possibly do to help me?"
"Well, I do help a lot of students when they come here needing help or comfort. I know more secrets than you'll ever imagine." she whispered the last part.
"Oh yeah? Prove it. Tell me one."
"I can't! They are secrets, I have to keep them!" she crossed her arms proudly with her loyalty. I have to give it to her. She's good. And maybe It's better if I just let this out with someone who can guarantee I'm not insane. I bet she won't try to kill Harvey like Pansy would. Or say senseless things like Crabbe and Goyle. Or even try to make a move and fuck her, like Zabinni.

I took off my robe so I could wash the pumpkin juice away.
"Is everything okay?" I heard a voice and jumped to the side.
"Moaning Myrtle! I forgot you were here." I said, putting a hand on my chest trying to steady my breaths.
"Oh sorry. Did I scare you?"
"It wasn't your fault. I was just distracted!" I smiled at her.
"Good. What happened?" she leaned over my shoulder to look at my robe.
"I spit my juice on it in front of everyone! I swear, if someone is planning on killing me, it's better to do it now. I won't even fight back. Fuck. He'll make fun of me until I die."

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