Say the words

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This chapter is a little longer than usual, but it was necessary. I just looooove that one🥰

TW: smut

Happy reading!


Katherine POV

Today was a really great day to be a slytherin.

Last night, a new rule was made: Girls and boys must be at least 8 inches apart from each other.

Which obviously, made everybody furious. I was happy, honestly. Now finally they will start to see Umbridge like I do.

This morning, before breakfast, we were talking about that in our common room. It all started with two seventh years complaining about it, and then, every person that approached them, ended up joining the conversation. About 15 minutes later, all of us were chatting about a way to get rid of that.

Well, everybody know that slytherins aren't the smartest house of all, so it was really funny to watch people giving one suggestion dumbest than the one before, and we were all laughing and joking, until someone gave a really clever idea.

We discussed this a lot and ended up losing breakfast (which made Umbridge herself come to our common room looking for us since not even one slytherin soul showed up in the Great Hall this morning) but it was worth it.

By the end of the night, all of us enchanted our socks to be immune to the dorms' stair's curse. Now, girls and boys could go to each other's dorm without a problem.

I was laid on the couch in front of the fireplace, reading a book. I was really bored, but it was past curfew so I couldn't sneak out to the gryffindor common room, and Louis was too busy shagging someone to be there with me.

When the book finally became interesting, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I knew who it was by the smell of his expensive cologne mixed with mint.

"Malfoy?" and there he was, in the flesh. His hair was semi wet, he probably got out of the shower not long ago.
"I was wondering if we could talk." he said, a blank expression on his face.
"Sure." I lifted my legs so he could sit in front of me.
"No, I was hoping we could talk in a more private place."
"Well, Millicent is probably in our dorm so..."
"Come to mine." he said, turning around and walking away. I realized he wanted me to follow him so I did.

During our little walk, I wish that someone could interrupt us. I don't know, maybe a snake biting me so I have to go to the hospital wing.

I already knew he was going to 'break up' whatever dysfunctional kinda relationship we have, and to be honest, I wasn't ready. We haven't talked for a few days now, after he assumed I slept with Louis, and I think I've never seen him this mad.

"So, I want to make a proposal." I widened my eyes.
"Like a marriage?"
"What? Merlin, no! It's a suggestion."
"Oh, okay then. Say it."

"As you may now, I'm not looking for a romantic relationship. But the thing is, I don't really enjoy when you fuck other people besides me. You know what I mean?" he said slowly with his rough and low voice. It was scary and sexy at the same time. The way he was looking at me, with hunger shining in his eyes. It was too much to handle.

"What do you want?" I manage to say, my voice weake sounding like a whisper.
"I don't want you to be with anybody else besides me. I don't want another person touching what's mine." he said, with a lustful and angry expression on his face. I got chills all over my body.

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