There's no one like you

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Hey besties, hope you're doing well!

PLEASE tell me some weasley's books, I'm in *need*. I've read summer at the burrow (ron), work in progress (ron) and golden boy (fred) but I want moooore😭 It could be fred, george or ron, I don't mind at all!

Happy reading!

Oh, and  ⚠️ smut warning ⚠️


Narrator POV

Katherine, Hermione, Harry and Ron were outside of the school, chatting about random things. Ron had his back on a tree, Harry was laid facing the sky and Hermione had her legs crossed, with Katherine's head resting on them.

"But I don't know why she cried." Harry complained.
"Didn't know your kiss was that bad." Kath mumbled, making them laugh.
"Look, maybe she still likes Cedric. Their breakup was though." Hermione said.
"It's been over a year." Harvey added.
"I think she feels guilty." Ron said. Harry and Hermione just scoffed and ignored.

Kath looked up to her friend, and just by that she could understand what he was feeling. Honestly, it was pretty obvious, but no one seems to notice. He thought about that a lot of times. Should he even be there? What's his place in the friend group? Hermione obviously is the brain, she's the smartest and most logical person he has ever met. Harry was the soul of the group, without him, there's no possibility they would be together by now. Everybody just loves him. Katherine was the eyes of the group, she can tell what's happening with everyone with only a look. Besides, everyone had his eyes on her, but that's not the point.

And again, what was he?

The bloody stomach of the group?

"I agree with Ron." Kath said, without hesitating. The ginger boy looked at her, a smile on his face.
"You do?"
"Yes. It's the only explanation that makes sense." she answered her cousin, doing her best to don't sound angry.

Ron changed the subject, knowing how defensive Kath can get over him. Granger was stroking Kath's hair, and it was a really good feeling, until she gasped.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.
"Katherine Elizabeth Harvey, what the hell is that?" she grimaced at the sound of her full name.
"I have no idea, but I have a feeling it's not a good thing."

"It's that a hickey?" Kath's eyes widened at the accusation.
"No, it's not." she covered her neck and sat up.
"Yes it is. I was mad that you didn't tell us who it was, but you're denying it? Something's really wrong."
"No, it's not. I just felt attacked."
"I have to agree with Hermione, you never deny a hickey."
"Of course you have to agree with her, Potter." she muttered and regretted it immediately after, realizing how much like Malfoy she sounded like.

"When did that happen?"
"After the quidditch game, with one of the guys on the team. I didn't tell you guys because it was insignificant. Now, enough about me. How are your love lifes?" she asked the trio.

Harry smiled.
"Well, there's this guy on ravenclaw that is trying to take Hermione on a date but she keeps making him wait."
"Well, I didn't even talk to him. How am I going to know if it's going to work?" she giggled.
"That's what dates are for." Harry snapped, trying to convince her.

Both Katherine and Ron were shocked. They had no reaction.
"You gotta be kidding me." Ron muttered, before standing up and storming away from all of them.

Harvey's face turned red.
"Are you fucking on drugs? What was that for?" she yelled at them.
"Relax, it's just a plan."
"A plan?" she asked, a confused expression.
"Mhm. So he can get afraid of losing her and finally make a move." Harry explained.

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