Louis Jones

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Hey guys, look at me updating this story for 3 days in a roll ;)

So, this is how I see Louis in my head. I have no idea what's the context of this image of Gregg, but it's fits perfectly since Jones is also a slytherin. And come on, he's sooooo fineeeee.

But you can think of him the way you want okay? It's up to you! I just put this picture so you know how I see him, and maybe help you see him too!

Now I will shut up and let you read the chapter lol.


Narrator POV

Draco heard when Katherine's friends invited her to watch the Gryffindor quidditch practice, but she turned down because she would be too occupied studying for her herbology exam.

He knows none of the students go to the library on sundays, so that was the perfect moment to put his plan into action.

When Pansy invited him to lunch in Hogsmeade, he put his best smirk and leaned closer to her ear.
"How about we have a little meeting in the library instead?" her smiled widely.
"We're going to study?" he chuckled.
"Oh no. We're going to do way better than study." he winked and she laughed, clearly interested.

"Tell me the time and I'll be there."

Katherine POV

I grabbed my notebook and went to the silent library. I don't have any idea why Sprout gave me another chance to take my test, but I happily accepted. I mean, It's not like I really think I'll do great, but I think I can make an effort.

And there's no way I'm asking Hermione for help. I love her with all of my heart, but everytime she tries to teach me something we end up arguing. And I'm not really in the mood for that.

So I have just found the book professor Sprout told me to use, and I was feeling confident.

I sat at one table on the back of the room, close to the window, seeing the sun light up the room. It was the end of January, so it was still cold as hell, but I like it.

When I started to read the book, I heard some noises. They weren't loud. It sounded like someone breathing heavily.

I had no idea what it was, but from what I heard, someone could be feeling bad. So I started to follow the sounds, until they started to get slightly louder and frenetic.

The noises came from someone behind a bookshelf on the other side of the library. When I finally looked at it, I didn't want to believe it.

Pansy had her back against the wall, and she had her eyes closed and her mouth half opened, from where the breaths were coming from. Draco had his hand on her waist, and he was kissing her neck harshly.

My eyes widened, and I covered my mouth so I wouldn't gasp.

I decided to sneak out before they could see me, but my stupid body didn't obey me, and I stayed there, like a fucking clown. Pansy moved her head to the side and looked at me, jumping a little with surprise.
"Why are you watching, weirdo?" Draco lifted his head up and smirked slyly. Like he was enjoying this.
"Didn't want to interrupt." I managed to mutter before grabbing my belongings and leaving quickly.

I have no idea why I was feeling like this, but as I runned through the castle, all I could see was Draco and Pansy. I didn't want to see it. I want to forget this, to erase this image of my head.

I mean, I knew he was fucking other people. He's single, he can do that. But I never knew it would hurt so bad.

My heart was pounding heavily, and I'm sure I looked like I just escaped an asylum.

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